Appendix: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Preprocessing

Team 2 - Shpaner, Leonid; Oakes, Isabella, Lucban, Emanuel

Loading the requisite libraries

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import json

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import plotly as ply
import random

from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, OrdinalEncoder, LabelEncoder, \
StandardScaler, Normalizer
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import BayesianRidge, LogisticRegression

# Enable Experimental
from sklearn.experimental import enable_iterative_imputer
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer, IterativeImputer
from sklearn import tree

import statsmodels.api as sm
from scipy import stats
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, plot_confusion_matrix,\

from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.svm import SVC

import warnings

Reading in and Inspecting the dataframe

In [2]:
coupons_df = pd.read_csv('\
destination passanger weather temperature time coupon expiration gender age maritalStatus ... CoffeeHouse CarryAway RestaurantLessThan20 Restaurant20To50 toCoupon_GEQ5min toCoupon_GEQ15min toCoupon_GEQ25min direction_same direction_opp Y
0 No Urgent Place Alone Sunny 55 2PM Restaurant(<20) 1d Female 21 Unmarried partner ... never NaN 4~8 1~3 1 0 0 0 1 1
1 No Urgent Place Friend(s) Sunny 80 10AM Coffee House 2h Female 21 Unmarried partner ... never NaN 4~8 1~3 1 0 0 0 1 0
2 No Urgent Place Friend(s) Sunny 80 10AM Carry out & Take away 2h Female 21 Unmarried partner ... never NaN 4~8 1~3 1 1 0 0 1 1
3 No Urgent Place Friend(s) Sunny 80 2PM Coffee House 2h Female 21 Unmarried partner ... never NaN 4~8 1~3 1 1 0 0 1 0
4 No Urgent Place Friend(s) Sunny 80 2PM Coffee House 1d Female 21 Unmarried partner ... never NaN 4~8 1~3 1 1 0 0 1 0

5 rows × 26 columns

In [3]:
destination             object
passanger               object
weather                 object
temperature              int64
time                    object
coupon                  object
expiration              object
gender                  object
age                     object
maritalStatus           object
has_children             int64
education               object
occupation              object
income                  object
car                     object
Bar                     object
CoffeeHouse             object
CarryAway               object
RestaurantLessThan20    object
Restaurant20To50        object
toCoupon_GEQ5min         int64
toCoupon_GEQ15min        int64
toCoupon_GEQ25min        int64
direction_same           int64
direction_opp            int64
Y                        int64
dtype: object
In [4]:
null_vals = pd.DataFrame(coupons_df.isna().sum(), columns=['Null Count'])
null_vals['Null Percent'] = (null_vals['Null Count'] / coupons_df.shape[0]) * 100
Null Count Null Percent
destination 0 0.000000
passanger 0 0.000000
weather 0 0.000000
temperature 0 0.000000
time 0 0.000000
coupon 0 0.000000
expiration 0 0.000000
gender 0 0.000000
age 0 0.000000
maritalStatus 0 0.000000
has_children 0 0.000000
education 0 0.000000
occupation 0 0.000000
income 0 0.000000
car 12576 99.148534
Bar 107 0.843582
CoffeeHouse 217 1.710817
CarryAway 151 1.190476
RestaurantLessThan20 130 1.024913
Restaurant20To50 189 1.490066
toCoupon_GEQ5min 0 0.000000
toCoupon_GEQ15min 0 0.000000
toCoupon_GEQ25min 0 0.000000
direction_same 0 0.000000
direction_opp 0 0.000000
Y 0 0.000000

EDA - Discovery

Renaming Columns

In [5]:
# Renaming the passanger column to 'passenger'
coupons_df = coupons_df.rename(columns={'passanger':'passenger'})

# Renaming the 'Y' column as our Target
coupons_df = coupons_df.rename(columns={'Y':'Target'})

# Binarizing Target Variable
coupons_df['Target'] = coupons_df['Target'].map({1 : 'yes', 0 : 'no'})

# Creating a new column of dummy var. for Binary Target (Response)
coupons_df['Response'] = coupons_df['Target'].map({'yes':1, 'no':0})

Removing Highly Correlated Predictors

In [6]:
correlation_matrix = coupons_df.corr()
correlated_features = set()

for i in range(len(correlation_matrix .columns)):
    for j in range(i):
        if abs(correlation_matrix.iloc[i, j]) > 0.8:
            colname = correlation_matrix.columns[i]

Mapping Important Categorical Features to Numerical Ones

In [7]:
['Some college - no degree' 'Bachelors degree' 'Associates degree'
 'High School Graduate' 'Graduate degree (Masters or Doctorate)'
 'Some High School']
In [8]:
coupons_df['educ. level'] = coupons_df['education'].map(\
                            {'Some High School':1, 
                             'Some college - no degree':2, 
                             'Bachelors degree':3, 'Associates degree':4, 
                             'High School Graduate':5, 
                             'Graduate degree (Masters or Doctorate)':6})
In [9]:
# create new variable 'avg_income' based on income
inc = coupons_df['income'].str.findall('(\d+)')
coupons_df['avg_income'] = pd.Series([])

for i in range(0,len(inc)):
    inc[i] = np.array(inc[i]).astype(np.float)
    coupons_df['avg_income'][i] = sum(inc[i]) / len(inc[i])

0        43749.5
1        43749.5
2        43749.5
3        43749.5
4        43749.5
12679    81249.5
12680    81249.5
12681    81249.5
12682    81249.5
12683    81249.5
Name: avg_income, Length: 12684, dtype: float64
In [10]:
# Creating new age range column
coupons_df['Age Range'] = coupons_df['age'].map({'below21':'21 and below', 
21         2653
26         2559
31         2039
50plus     1788
36         1319
41         1093
46          686
below21     547
Name: age, dtype: int64
In [11]:
# Creating new age group column based on ordinal values
coupons_df['Age Group'] = coupons_df['age'].map({'below21':1, 
21         2653
26         2559
31         2039
50plus     1788
36         1319
41         1093
46          686
below21     547
Name: age, dtype: int64
In [12]:
# Numericizing Age variable by adding new column: 'ages'
coupons_df['ages'] = coupons_df['age'].map({'below21':20, 
In [13]:
# Changing coupon expiration to uniform # of hours
coupons_df['expiration'] = coupons_df['expiration'].map({'1d':24, '2h':2})
In [14]:
# Convert time to 24h military time
def convert_time(x):
    if x[-2:] == "AM":
        return int(x[0:-2]) % 12
        return (int(x[0:-2]) % 12) + 12
coupons_df['time'] = coupons_df['time'].apply(convert_time)

Selected Features by Target Response

In [15]:
print("\033[1m"+'Target Outcome by Age (Maximum Values):'+"\033[1m")

def target_by_age():
    target_yes = coupons_df.loc[coupons_df.Target == 'yes'].groupby(
                               ['Age Range'])[['Target']].count()
    target_yes.rename(columns={'Target':'Yes'}, inplace=True)

    target_no = coupons_df.loc[coupons_df.Target == 'no'].groupby(
                               ['Age Range'])[['Target']].count()
    target_no.rename(columns={'Target':'No'}, inplace=True)

    target_age = pd.concat([target_yes, target_no], axis = 1)
    target_age['Yes'] = target_age['Yes'].fillna(0)
    target_age['No'] = target_age['No'].fillna(0)
    max = target_age.max()
    target_age.loc['Total'] = target_age.sum(numeric_only=True, axis=0)
    target_age['% of Total'] = round((target_age['Yes'] / (target_age['Yes'] \
                                                + target_age['No']))* 100, 2)

Target Outcome by Age (Maximum Values):
Yes    1587
No     1066
dtype: int64
Yes No % of Total
Age Range
21 and below 347 200 63
21-25 1,587 1,066 60
26-30 1,525 1,034 60
31-35 1,114 925 55
36-40 706 613 54
41-45 626 467 57
46-50 395 291 58
50+ 910 878 51
Total 7,210 5,474 57
In [16]:
print("\033[1m"+'Target Outcome by Income (Maximum Values):'+"\033[1m")

def target_by_income():
    target_yes = coupons_df.loc[coupons_df.Target == 'yes'].\
    target_yes.rename(columns={'Target':'Yes'}, inplace=True)

    target_no = coupons_df.loc[coupons_df.Target == 'no'].\
    target_no.rename(columns={'Target':'No'}, inplace=True)

    target_inc = pd.concat([target_yes, target_no], axis = 1)
    target_inc['Yes'] = target_inc['Yes'].fillna(0)
    target_inc['No'] = target_inc['No'].fillna(0)
    max = target_inc.max()
    target_inc.loc['Total'] = target_inc.sum(numeric_only=True, axis=0)
    target_inc['% of Total'] = round((target_inc['Yes'] / (target_inc['Yes'] \
                                    + target_inc['No']))* 100, 2)

Target Outcome by Income (Maximum Values):
Yes    1194
No      819
dtype: int64
Yes No % of Total
12500.0 618 424 59
18749.5 1,052 779 57
31249.5 1,194 819 59
43749.5 1,018 787 56
56249.5 988 671 60
68749.5 446 400 53
81249.5 414 443 48
93749.5 476 419 53
100000.0 1,004 732 58
Total 7,210 5,474 57

Selected Features' Value Counts

In [17]:
age_count = coupons_df['Age Range'].value_counts().reindex(["21 and below", 
                                             "21-25", "26-30", 
                                             "41-45", "46-50",
fig = plt.figure() ='lab', y='val', rot=0, width=0.98)
plt.title ('Age Group Comparison by Number', fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel('Age Group', fontsize=12) 
plt.ylabel('Count', fontsize=12); plt.xticks(rotation = 25)
21 and below     547
21-25           2653
26-30           2559
31-35           2039
36-40           1319
41-45           1093
46-50            686
50+             1788
Name: Age Range, dtype: int64
In [18]:
gender_count = coupons_df['gender'].value_counts()
fig = plt.figure() ='lab', y='val', rot=0, width=0.99)
plt.title ('Gender Comparison by Number', fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel('Gender', fontsize=12) 
plt.ylabel('Count', fontsize=12)
Female    6511
Male      6173
Name: gender, dtype: int64
In [19]:
marital_coupons = coupons_df['maritalStatus'].value_counts()
fig = plt.figure() ='lab', y='val', rot=0, width=0.98)
plt.title ('Marital Status by Count', fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel('Marital Status', fontsize=12) 
plt.ylabel('Count', fontsize=12)
Married partner      5100
Single               4752
Unmarried partner    2186
Divorced              516
Widowed               130
Name: maritalStatus, dtype: int64
In [20]:
print("\033[1m"+'Coupon Summary Statistics:'+"\033[1m")

def coupon_summary_stats():
    pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format
    coupon_summary = pd.DataFrame(coupons_df).describe().transpose()
    cols_to_keep = ['mean', 'std', 'min', '25%', '50%','75%', 'max']
    coupon_summary = coupon_summary[cols_to_keep]
    stats_rename = coupon_summary.rename(columns={'count':'Count','min':'Minimum',
                                'Q3','std': 'Standard Deviation','max':'Maximum'})
    return stats_rename

Coupon Summary Statistics:
Mean Standard Deviation Minimum Q1 Median Q3 Maximum
temperature 63.30 19.15 30.00 55.00 80.00 80.00 80.00
time 13.82 5.41 7.00 10.00 14.00 18.00 22.00
expiration 14.30 10.92 2.00 2.00 24.00 24.00 24.00
has_children 0.41 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
toCoupon_GEQ5min 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
toCoupon_GEQ15min 0.56 0.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
toCoupon_GEQ25min 0.12 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
direction_same 0.21 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
direction_opp 0.79 0.41 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Response 0.57 0.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
educ. level 3.31 1.40 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00
avg_income 52,652.56 29,709.36 12,500.00 31,249.50 43,749.50 81,249.50 100,000.00
Age Group 4.06 1.83 1.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 7.00
ages 34.41 14.35 20.00 21.00 31.00 41.00 65.00
In [21]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221); ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabdest = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['destination'], coupons_df['Target'])
crosstabdestnorm = crosstabdest.div(crosstabdest.sum(1), axis=0)

plotdest = crosstabdest.plot(kind='bar', 
                             title='Destination and Target', 
                             color=['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plotdestnorm = crosstabdestnorm.plot(kind='bar', 
                                     title='Destination and Target Normalized', 
                                     color=['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [22]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221); ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabpass = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['passenger'],coupons_df['Target'])
crosstabpassnorm = crosstabpass.div(crosstabpass.sum(1), axis = 0)
plotpass = crosstabpass.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                             title = 'Passenger and Target', 
                             ax = ax1, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
plotpassnorm = crosstabpassnorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                                     title = 'Passenger and Target Normalized', 
                                     ax = ax2, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [23]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabweat = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['weather'],coupons_df['Target'])
crosstabweatnorm = crosstabweat.div(crosstabweat.sum(1), axis=0)

plotweat = crosstabweat.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                             title='Weather and Target', 
                             ax=ax1, color=['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plotweatnorm = crosstabweatnorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                                     title='Weather and Target Normalized', 
                                     ax=ax2, color=['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [24]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabtemp = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['temperature'],coupons_df['Target'])
crosstabtempnorm = crosstabtemp.div(crosstabtemp.sum(1), axis = 0)

plottemp = crosstabtemp.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                             title = 'Temperature and Target', 
                             ax = ax1, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plottempnorm = crosstabtempnorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                                     title = 'Temperature and Target Normalized', 
                                     ax = ax2, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [25]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabtime = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['time'],coupons_df['Target'])
crosstabtimenorm = crosstabtime.div(crosstabtime.sum(1), axis = 0)

plottime = crosstabtime.plot(kind='bar', 
                             title='Time and Target', 
                             color=['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
plottimenorm = crosstabtimenorm.plot(kind='bar', 
                                     title='Time and Target Normalized', 
                                     color=['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [26]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
# fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabcoup = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['coupon'],coupons_df['Target'])
crosstabcoupnorm = crosstabcoup.div(crosstabcoup.sum(1), axis = 0)

plotcoup = crosstabcoup.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                             title = 'Coupon and Target', 
                             ax = ax1, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plotcoupnorm = crosstabcoupnorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                                     title = 'Coupon and Target Normalized', 
                                     ax = ax2, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [27]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221); ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabexpi = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['expiration'],coupons_df['Target'])
crosstabexpinorm = crosstabexpi.div(crosstabexpi.sum(1), axis = 0)
plotexpi = crosstabexpi.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                             title = 'Expiration and Target', ax = ax1, 
                             color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
plotexpinorm = crosstabexpinorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                                     title = 'Expiration and Target Normalized', 
                                     ax = ax2, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [28]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabgender = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['gender'],coupons_df['Target'])
crosstabgendernorm = crosstabgender.div(crosstabgender.sum(1), axis = 0)

plotgender = crosstabgender.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                                 title = 'Gender and Target', 
                                 ax = ax1, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plotgendernorm = crosstabgendernorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                                         title = 'Gender and Target Normalized', 
                                         ax = ax2, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [29]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabage = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['age'],coupons_df['Target'])
crosstabagenorm = crosstabage.div(crosstabage.sum(1), axis = 0)

plotage = crosstabage.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                           title = 'Age and Target', ax = ax1, 
                           color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plotagenorm = crosstabagenorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                                   title = 'Age and Target Normalized', 
                                   ax = ax2, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [30]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221); ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabmari = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['maritalStatus'],coupons_df['Target'])
crosstabmarinorm = crosstabmari.div(crosstabmari.sum(1), axis=0)
plotmari = crosstabmari.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, 
                             title='Marital Status and Target', 
                             ax=ax1, color=['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plotmarinorm = crosstabmarinorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                                     title='Marital Status and Target Normalized', 
                                     ax=ax2, color=['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [31]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221); ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')
crosstabchild = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['has_children'],
crosstabchildnorm = crosstabchild.div(crosstabchild.sum(1), axis=0)

plotchild = crosstabchild.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, 
                               title='Child Status and Target', 
                               ax=ax1, color=['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plotchildnorm = crosstabchildnorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, 
                                       title='Child Status and Target Normalized', 
                                       ax=ax2, color=['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [32]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabeduc = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['education'],coupons_df['Target'])
crosstabeducnorm = crosstabeduc.div(crosstabeduc.sum(1), axis = 0)

ploteduc = crosstabeduc.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                             title = 'Education and Target', 
                             ax = ax1, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

ploteducnorm = crosstabeducnorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                                     title = 'Education and Target Normalized', 
                                     ax = ax2, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [33]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstaboccu = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['occupation'],coupons_df['Target'])
crosstaboccunorm = crosstaboccu.div(crosstaboccu.sum(1), axis = 0)

plotoccu = crosstaboccu.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                             title = 'Occupation and Target', 
                             ax = ax1, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plotoccunorm = crosstaboccunorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                                     title = 'Occupation and Target Normalized', 
                                     ax = ax2, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [34]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)

fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabinco = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['income'],

crosstabinconorm = crosstabinco.div(crosstabinco.sum(1), axis = 0)

plotinco = crosstabinco.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                             title = 'Income and Target', 
                             ax = ax1, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plotinconorm = crosstabinconorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                                     title = 'Income and Target Normalized', 
                                     ax = ax2, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [35]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)

fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabcar = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['car'],coupons_df['Target'])
crosstabcarnorm = crosstabcar.div(crosstabcar.sum(1), 
                                  axis = 0)

plotcar = crosstabcar.plot(kind='bar', 
                           title='Car and Target', 
                           color=['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plotcarnorm = crosstabcarnorm.plot(kind='bar', 
                                   title='Car and Target Normalized', 
In [36]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)

fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabbar = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['Bar'], coupons_df['Target'])
crosstabbarnorm = crosstabbar.div(crosstabbar.sum(1), 

plotbar = crosstabbar.plot(kind='bar', 
                           title='Monthly Bar Visits and Target', 

plotbarnorm = crosstabbarnorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                                   title='Monthly Bar Visits and Target ' +
In [37]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221); ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')
crosstabcoff = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['CoffeeHouse'], coupons_df['Target'])
crosstabcoffnorm = crosstabcoff.div(crosstabcoff.sum(1), axis = 0)
plotcoff = crosstabcoff.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, 
                             title='Monthly Coffee House Visits and Target',
                             ax=ax1, color=['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
plotcoffnorm = crosstabcoffnorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, 
title = 'Monthly Coffee House Visits and Target Normalized', 
                                     ax=ax2, color=['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [38]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabcarr = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['CarryAway'],coupons_df['Target'])
crosstabcarrnorm = crosstabcarr.div(crosstabcarr.sum(1), axis = 0)

plotcarr = crosstabcarr.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                             title = 'Monthly Carry Away Visits and Target', 
                             ax = ax1, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plotcarrnorm = crosstabcarrnorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
title = 'Monthly Carry Away Visits and Target Normalized', 
                                     ax = ax2, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [39]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabLess = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['RestaurantLessThan20'],coupons_df['Target'])
crosstabLessnorm = crosstabLess.div(crosstabLess.sum(1), axis = 0)

plotLess = crosstabLess.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
title = 'Restaurant Visits a Month Less than $20/person and Target', 
                             ax = ax1, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plotLessnorm = crosstabLessnorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
title = 'Restaurant Visits a Month Less than $20/person and Target Normalized', 
                                     ax = ax2, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [40]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabTo50 = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['Restaurant20To50'],coupons_df['Target'])
crosstabTo50norm = crosstabTo50.div(crosstabTo50.sum(1), axis = 0)

plotTo50 = crosstabTo50.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
title = 'Restaurant Visits a Month $20-50/person and Target', 
                             ax = ax1, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plotTo50norm = crosstabTo50norm.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True,
title = 'Restaurant Visits a Month $20-50/person and Target Normalized',
                                     ax = ax2, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [41]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstab5min = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['toCoupon_GEQ5min'],coupons_df['Target'])
crosstab5minnorm = crosstab5min.div(crosstab5min.sum(1), axis = 0)

plot5min = crosstab5min.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
                             title = 'Coupon over 5 min away and Target', 
                             ax = ax1, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plot5minnorm = crosstab5minnorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
title = 'Coupon over 5 min away and Target Normalized', 
                             ax = ax2, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [42]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstab15min = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['toCoupon_GEQ15min'],
crosstab15minnorm = crosstab15min.div(crosstab15min.sum(1), 
                                      axis = 0)

plot15min = crosstab15min.plot(kind='bar', 
                               stacked = True, 
title = 'Coupon over 15 min away and Target',
                               ax = ax1, 
                               color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plot15minnorm = crosstab15minnorm.plot(kind='bar', 
                                       stacked = True, 
title = 'Coupon over 15 min away and Target Normalized', 
                                       ax = ax2, 
                                       color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [43]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstab25min = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['toCoupon_GEQ25min'],coupons_df['Target'])
crosstab25minnorm = crosstab25min.div(crosstab25min.sum(1), axis = 0)

plot25min = crosstab25min.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
title = 'Coupon over 25 min away and Target', 
                               ax = ax1, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plot25minnorm = crosstab25minnorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True,
title = 'Coupon over 25 min away and Target Normalized', 
                                       ax = ax2, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [44]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)

fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabsame = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['direction_same'],
crosstabsamenorm = crosstabsame.div(crosstabsame.sum(1), 
                                    axis = 0)

plotsame = crosstabsame.plot(kind='bar', 
                             stacked = True, 
title = 'Coupon Same Direction and Target', 
                             ax = ax1, 
                             color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plotsamenorm = crosstabsamenorm.plot(kind='bar', 
                                     stacked = True, 
title = 'Coupon Same Direction and Target Normalized', 
                                     ax = ax2, 
                                     color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])
In [45]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,8))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(222)
fig.suptitle('Normalized vs. Absolute Distributions')

crosstabopp = pd.crosstab(coupons_df['direction_opp'],coupons_df['Target'])
crosstaboppnorm = crosstabopp.div(crosstabopp.sum(1), axis = 0)

plotopp = crosstabopp.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
title = 'Coupon Opposite Direction and Target', 
                           ax = ax1, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

plotoppnorm = crosstaboppnorm.plot(kind='bar', stacked = True, 
title = 'Coupon Opposite Direction and Target Normalized', 
                                   ax = ax2, color = ['#90CDBC', '#991857'])

Dropping Unnecessary Columns

With a 99.15% missing percentage, any imputation method would be impractical and the variable car will be dropped

Since 'toCoupon_GEQ5min Column' is a constant feature, we remove it.

Since 'direction_opp' is a highly correlated variable, it is dropped as well.

In [46]:
coupons_df.drop(columns=['car'], inplace=True)
In [47]:
coupons_df.drop(columns=['toCoupon_GEQ5min'], inplace=True)
In [48]:
coupons_df.drop(columns=['direction_opp'], inplace=True)

Examining Correlations

In [49]:
corr = coupons_df.corr()'coolwarm')
temperature time expiration has_children toCoupon_GEQ15min toCoupon_GEQ25min direction_same Response educ. level avg_income Age Group ages
temperature 1.000000 -0.044991 -0.124090 -0.019716 -0.155332 -0.216254 0.097085 0.061240 0.010532 -0.031994 -0.019437 -0.019034
time -0.044991 1.000000 -0.027313 0.026965 -0.061299 -0.188325 0.002614 0.010271 0.016343 0.011600 0.006095 0.004206
expiration -0.124090 -0.027313 1.000000 -0.016020 -0.042740 0.032977 -0.033584 0.129920 -0.006204 -0.019975 -0.022698 -0.017577
has_children -0.019716 0.026965 -0.016020 1.000000 0.078211 -0.013722 -0.031620 -0.045557 0.080869 0.091126 0.464277 0.394646
toCoupon_GEQ15min -0.155332 -0.061299 -0.042740 0.078211 1.000000 0.324984 -0.303533 -0.081602 0.019568 0.020621 0.037836 0.031048
toCoupon_GEQ25min -0.216254 -0.188325 0.032977 -0.013722 0.324984 1.000000 -0.192319 -0.103633 0.012240 -0.006420 -0.003661 -0.000119
direction_same 0.097085 0.002614 -0.033584 -0.031620 -0.303533 -0.192319 1.000000 0.014570 0.011606 -0.023558 -0.031210 -0.025054
Response 0.061240 0.010271 0.129920 -0.045557 -0.081602 -0.103633 0.014570 1.000000 -0.040362 -0.029082 -0.059060 -0.058243
educ. level 0.010532 0.016343 -0.006204 0.080869 0.019568 0.012240 0.011606 -0.040362 1.000000 0.119764 0.197270 0.161348
avg_income -0.031994 0.011600 -0.019975 0.091126 0.020621 -0.006420 -0.023558 -0.029082 0.119764 1.000000 0.101300 0.046381
Age Group -0.019437 0.006095 -0.022698 0.464277 0.037836 -0.003661 -0.031210 -0.059060 0.197270 0.101300 1.000000 0.938093
ages -0.019034 0.004206 -0.017577 0.394646 0.031048 -0.000119 -0.025054 -0.058243 0.161348 0.046381 0.938093 1.000000

Evaluation of Imputation Methods

The variables Bar, CoffeeHouse, CarryAway, RestaurantLessThan20, Restaurant20To50, have a low null count $ < 2\%$. We will evaluate different imputation methods that best preserves the distribution of the data.

In [50]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(12, 8))

likert_vals = ['never', 'less1', '1~3', '4~8', 'gt8']

fig.suptitle('Distributions Before Imputation')
sns.countplot(ax=axes[0, 0], data=coupons_df,
              x="Bar", order=likert_vals)
sns.countplot(ax=axes[0, 1], data=coupons_df, 
              x="CoffeeHouse", order=likert_vals)
sns.countplot(ax=axes[0, 2], data=coupons_df, 
              x="CarryAway", order=likert_vals)
sns.countplot(ax=axes[1, 0], data=coupons_df, 
              x="RestaurantLessThan20", order=likert_vals)
sns.countplot(ax=axes[1, 1], data=coupons_df, 
              x="Restaurant20To50", order=likert_vals)

KL Divergence

The Kullback-Leibler Divergence will be used to determine the amount the distribution of each variable diverges after imputation. The imputation method with the smallest KL divergence will be selected.

$$ D_{KL}(P||Q) = \Large\sum_{i}\normalsize P(i) \normalsize\text{log}\frac{P(i)}{Q(i)}$$$$ D_{KL}(P||Q) = \Large \int \normalsize P(x) \normalsize\text{log}\frac{P(x)}{Q(x)} dx$$

In [51]:
def kl_divergence(p, q):
    return sum(p * np.log(p/q))

Imputation Methods

  • Median Imputation
  • Frequent Imputation

The values of the variables Bar, CoffeeHouse, CarryAway, RestaurantLessThan20, Restaurant20To50, appear to be values from a likert scale. These are ordinal values, so they will be converted accordingly, before median imputation can be used.

In [52]:
impute_test = coupons_df[['Bar', 'CoffeeHouse', 'CarryAway', 
                         'RestaurantLessThan20', 'Restaurant20To50']]
impute_test.replace({'never': 0, 'less1': 1, '1~3': 2, '4~8': 3, 'gt8': 4}, 
# Store KL results
cols = ['Bar', 'CoffeeHouse', 'CarryAway', 'RestaurantLessThan20', 
kl_results = pd.DataFrame(index=cols)

Median Imputation

In [53]:
med_impute = SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy='median')
med_impute_df = pd.DataFrame(med_impute.fit_transform(impute_test), 
                             columns=['Bar', 'CoffeeHouse', 'CarryAway', 
                                      'RestaurantLessThan20', 'Restaurant20To50'])
In [54]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(12, 7))
fig.suptitle('Distributions - Median Imputation')
sns.countplot(ax=axes[0, 0], data=med_impute_df, x="Bar")
sns.countplot(ax=axes[0, 1], data=med_impute_df, x="CoffeeHouse")
sns.countplot(ax=axes[0, 2], data=med_impute_df, x="CarryAway")
sns.countplot(ax=axes[1, 0], data=med_impute_df, x="RestaurantLessThan20")
sns.countplot(ax=axes[1, 1], data=med_impute_df, x="Restaurant20To50")
plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.9]);
In [55]:
med_results = []
for col in cols:
    p = impute_test[col].dropna()
    p = p.groupby(p).count() / p.shape[0]
    q = med_impute_df[col].groupby(med_impute_df[col]).count() / \

    print('P(%s = x) = %s' % (col, p.to_list()))
    print('Q(%s = x) = %s' % (col, q.to_list()))
    print('KL Divergence: %f' % kl_divergence(p, q))
    med_results.append(kl_divergence(p, q))
kl_results['Median Imputation'] = med_results
P(Bar = x) = [0.41321459807585276, 0.27685457581299194, 0.19662876679653335, 0.08555299355967241, 0.027749065754949512]
Q(Bar = x) = [0.4097287921791233, 0.282954903815831, 0.19497004099653106, 0.0848312835067802, 0.02751497950173447]
KL Divergence: 0.000092

P(CoffeeHouse = x) = [0.23758723028796022, 0.2715168043635197, 0.2586829229164996, 0.1430977781342745, 0.08911526429774605]
Q(CoffeeHouse = x) = [0.2335225480920845, 0.2839798170923999, 0.2542573320719016, 0.14064963733837907, 0.08759066540523494]
KL Divergence: 0.000385

P(CarryAway = x) = [0.01220777148328413, 0.14808904492140748, 0.3727758716987154, 0.3397430782733583, 0.12718423362323467]
Q(CarryAway = x) = [0.012062440870387891, 0.14632608010091455, 0.380242825607064, 0.33569851781772314, 0.12567013560391044]
KL Divergence: 0.000119

P(RestaurantLessThan20 = x) = [0.017524295045403857, 0.16671977059104667, 0.4282300462004142, 0.28516807392066273, 0.10235781424247252]
Q(RestaurantLessThan20 = x) = [0.017344686218858405, 0.16501103752759383, 0.43409019236833807, 0.282245348470514, 0.10130873541469568]
KL Divergence: 0.000070

P(Restaurant20To50 = x) = [0.1709483793517407, 0.4863545418167267, 0.26330532212885155, 0.05826330532212885, 0.02112845138055222]
Q(Restaurant20To50 = x) = [0.1684011352885525, 0.49400819930621254, 0.25938189845474613, 0.05739514348785872, 0.020813623462630087]
KL Divergence: 0.000117

Frequent Imputation

In [56]:
freq_impute = SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy='most_frequent')
freq_impute_df = pd.DataFrame(freq_impute.fit_transform(impute_test), 
                              columns=['Bar', 'CoffeeHouse', 'CarryAway', 
                                       'RestaurantLessThan20', 'Restaurant20To50'])
In [57]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(12, 8))
fig.suptitle('Distributions - Most Frequent Imputation')
sns.countplot(ax=axes[0, 0], data=freq_impute_df, x="Bar")
sns.countplot(ax=axes[0, 1], data=freq_impute_df, x="CoffeeHouse")
sns.countplot(ax=axes[0, 2], data=freq_impute_df, x="CarryAway")
sns.countplot(ax=axes[1, 0], data=freq_impute_df, x="RestaurantLessThan20")
sns.countplot(ax=axes[1, 1], data=freq_impute_df, x="Restaurant20To50")
plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.9]);
In [58]:
freq_results = []
for col in cols:
    p = impute_test[col].dropna()
    p = p.groupby(p).count() / p.shape[0]
    q = freq_impute_df[col].groupby(freq_impute_df[col]).count() / \

    print('P(%s = x) = %s' % (col, p.to_list()))
    print('Q(%s = x) = %s' % (col, q.to_list()))
    print('KL Divergence: %f' % kl_divergence(p, q))
    freq_results.append(kl_divergence(p, q))
kl_results['Frequent Imputation'] = freq_results
P(Bar = x) = [0.41321459807585276, 0.27685457581299194, 0.19662876679653335, 0.08555299355967241, 0.027749065754949512]
Q(Bar = x) = [0.4181646168401135, 0.27451907915484075, 0.19497004099653106, 0.0848312835067802, 0.02751497950173447]
KL Divergence: 0.000050

P(CoffeeHouse = x) = [0.23758723028796022, 0.2715168043635197, 0.2586829229164996, 0.1430977781342745, 0.08911526429774605]
Q(CoffeeHouse = x) = [0.2335225480920845, 0.2839798170923999, 0.2542573320719016, 0.14064963733837907, 0.08759066540523494]
KL Divergence: 0.000385

P(CarryAway = x) = [0.01220777148328413, 0.14808904492140748, 0.3727758716987154, 0.3397430782733583, 0.12718423362323467]
Q(CarryAway = x) = [0.012062440870387891, 0.14632608010091455, 0.380242825607064, 0.33569851781772314, 0.12567013560391044]
KL Divergence: 0.000119

P(RestaurantLessThan20 = x) = [0.017524295045403857, 0.16671977059104667, 0.4282300462004142, 0.28516807392066273, 0.10235781424247252]
Q(RestaurantLessThan20 = x) = [0.017344686218858405, 0.16501103752759383, 0.43409019236833807, 0.282245348470514, 0.10130873541469568]
KL Divergence: 0.000070

P(Restaurant20To50 = x) = [0.1709483793517407, 0.4863545418167267, 0.26330532212885155, 0.05826330532212885, 0.02112845138055222]
Q(Restaurant20To50 = x) = [0.1684011352885525, 0.49400819930621254, 0.25938189845474613, 0.05739514348785872, 0.020813623462630087]
KL Divergence: 0.000117

KL Divergence of Imputation Methods

In [59]:
Median Imputation Frequent Imputation
Bar 0.00 0.00
CoffeeHouse 0.00 0.00
CarryAway 0.00 0.00
RestaurantLessThan20 0.00 0.00
Restaurant20To50 0.00 0.00

As shown in the table above, the imputation methods are almost identical with Imputation by Most Frequent Value (Mode) having a slightly lower KL Divergence for the variable Bar. Imputation by Most Frequent Value will be used.

Imputation by Most Frequent Value

In [60]:
# replace values of Bar, CoffeeHouse, CarryAway, 
# RestaurantLessThan20, Restaurant20To50 as ordinal
coupons_df[cols] = coupons_df[cols].replace({'never': 0,
                                             'less1': 1, '1~3': 2, 
                                             '4~8': 3, 'gt8': 4})
coupons_df[cols] = SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, 
In [61]:
null_vals = pd.DataFrame(coupons_df.isna().sum(), columns=['Null Count'])
null_vals['Null Percent'] = (null_vals['Null Count'] / coupons_df.shape[0]) * 100
Null Count Null Percent
destination 0 0.00
passenger 0 0.00
weather 0 0.00
temperature 0 0.00
time 0 0.00
coupon 0 0.00
expiration 0 0.00
gender 0 0.00
age 0 0.00
maritalStatus 0 0.00
has_children 0 0.00
education 0 0.00
occupation 0 0.00
income 0 0.00
Bar 0 0.00
CoffeeHouse 0 0.00
CarryAway 0 0.00
RestaurantLessThan20 0 0.00
Restaurant20To50 0 0.00
toCoupon_GEQ15min 0 0.00
toCoupon_GEQ25min 0 0.00
direction_same 0 0.00
Target 0 0.00
Response 0 0.00
educ. level 0 0.00
avg_income 0 0.00
Age Range 0 0.00
Age Group 0 0.00
ages 0 0.00


In [62]:
coupons_df = pd.read_csv('\
destination passanger weather temperature time coupon expiration gender age maritalStatus ... CoffeeHouse CarryAway RestaurantLessThan20 Restaurant20To50 toCoupon_GEQ5min toCoupon_GEQ15min toCoupon_GEQ25min direction_same direction_opp Y
0 No Urgent Place Alone Sunny 55 2PM Restaurant(<20) 1d Female 21 Unmarried partner ... never NaN 4~8 1~3 1 0 0 0 1 1
1 No Urgent Place Friend(s) Sunny 80 10AM Coffee House 2h Female 21 Unmarried partner ... never NaN 4~8 1~3 1 0 0 0 1 0
2 No Urgent Place Friend(s) Sunny 80 10AM Carry out & Take away 2h Female 21 Unmarried partner ... never NaN 4~8 1~3 1 1 0 0 1 1
3 No Urgent Place Friend(s) Sunny 80 2PM Coffee House 2h Female 21 Unmarried partner ... never NaN 4~8 1~3 1 1 0 0 1 0
4 No Urgent Place Friend(s) Sunny 80 2PM Coffee House 1d Female 21 Unmarried partner ... never NaN 4~8 1~3 1 1 0 0 1 0

5 rows × 26 columns

In [63]:
# define columns types
nom = ['destination', 'passenger', 'weather', 'coupon', 
       'gender', 'maritalStatus', 'occupation']
bin = ['gender', 'has_children', 'toCoupon_GEQ15min', 
       'toCoupon_GEQ25min', 'direction_same']
ord = ['temperature', 'age', 'education', 'income', 
       'Bar', 'CoffeeHouse', 'CarryAway', 'RestaurantLessThan20', 
num = ['time', 'expiration']
ex = ['car', 'toCoupon_GEQ5min', 'direction_opp']
In [64]:
# Convert time to 24h military time
def convert_time(x):
    if x[-2:] == "AM":
        return int(x[0:-2]) % 12
        return (int(x[0:-2]) % 12) + 12

def average_income(x):
    inc = np.array(x).astype(np.float)
    return sum(inc) / len(inc)

def pre_process(df):
    # keep original dataframe imutable
    ret = df.copy()
    # Drop columns
    ret.drop(columns=['car', 'toCoupon_GEQ5min', 'direction_opp'], 

    # rename values
    ret = ret.rename(columns={'passanger':'passenger'})
    ret['time'] = ret['time'].apply(convert_time)
    ret['expiration'] = ret['expiration'].map({'1d':24, '2h':2})

    # convert the following columns to ordinal values
    ord_cols = ['Bar', 'CoffeeHouse', 'CarryAway', 'RestaurantLessThan20', 
    ret[ord_cols] = ret[ord_cols].replace({'never': 0, 'less1': 1, 
                                                 '1~3': 2, '4~8': 3, 'gt8': 4})
    # impute missing
    ret[ord_cols] = SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, 
    # Changing coupon expiration to uniform # of hours
    ret['expiration'] = coupons_df['expiration'].map({'1d':24, '2h':2}) 

    # Age, Education, Income as ordinal
    ret['age'] = ret['age'].map({'below21':1, 
    ret['education'] = ret['education'].map(\
                            {'Some High School':1, 
                             'Some college - no degree':2, 
                             'Bachelors degree':3, 'Associates degree':4, 
                             'High School Graduate':5, 
                             'Graduate degree (Masters or Doctorate)':6})
    ret['average income'] = ret['income'].str.findall('(\d+)').apply(average_income)
    ret['income'].replace({'Less than $12500': 1, '$12500 - $24999': 2, 
                           '$25000 - $37499': 3, '$37500 - $49999': 4, 
                           '$50000 - $62499': 5, '$62500 - $74999': 6,
                           '$75000 - $87499': 7, '$87500 - $99999': 8,
                           '$100000 or More': 9}, inplace=True)

    # Change gender to binary value
    ret['gender'].replace({'Male': 0, 'Female': 1}, inplace=True)
    # One Hot Encode
    nom = ['destination', 'passenger', 'weather', 'coupon', 
           'maritalStatus', 'occupation']
    for col in nom:
        # k-1 cols from k values
        ohe_cols = pd.get_dummies(ret[col], prefix=col, drop_first=True)
        ret = pd.concat([ret, ohe_cols], axis=1)
        ret.drop(columns=[col], inplace=True)

    return ret 
In [65]:
# Simple function to prep a dataframe for a model
def scale_data(df, std, norm, pass_cols):
    df: raw dataframe you want to process
    std: list of column names you want to standardize (0 mean unit variance)
    norm: list of column names you want to normalize (min-max)
    pass_cols: list of columns that do not require processing (target var, etc.)

    returns: prepped dataframe
    ret = df.copy()
    # Only include columns from lists
    ret = ret[std + norm + pass_cols]
    # Standardize scaling for gaussian features
    if (isinstance(std, list)) and (len(std) > 0):
        ret[std] = StandardScaler().fit(ret[std]).transform(ret[std])
    # Normalize (min-max) [0,1] for non-gaussian features
    if (isinstance(norm, list)) and (len(norm) > 0):
        ret[norm] = Normalizer().fit(ret[norm]).transform(ret[norm])

    return ret
In [66]:
# Processed data (remove labels from dataset)
coupons_proc = pre_process(coupons_df.drop(columns='Y'))

# Labels
labels = coupons_df['Y']

# Standardize/Normalize
to_scale = ['average income', 'temperature', 'time', 'expiration']
coupons_proc = scale_data(coupons_proc, to_scale, [], 

average income temperature time expiration education occupation_Computer & Mathematical Bar coupon_Carry out & Take away occupation_Personal Care & Service occupation_Transportation & Material Moving ... occupation_Legal occupation_Sales & Related weather_Sunny toCoupon_GEQ15min has_children RestaurantLessThan20 occupation_Construction & Extraction destination_Work occupation_Student occupation_Management
0 -0.30 -0.43 0.03 0.89 2 0 0.00 0 0 0 ... 0 0 1 0 1 3.00 0 0 0 0
1 -0.30 0.87 -0.71 -1.13 2 0 0.00 0 0 0 ... 0 0 1 0 1 3.00 0 0 0 0
2 -0.30 0.87 -0.71 -1.13 2 0 0.00 1 0 0 ... 0 0 1 1 1 3.00 0 0 0 0
3 -0.30 0.87 0.03 -1.13 2 0 0.00 0 0 0 ... 0 0 1 1 1 3.00 0 0 0 0
4 -0.30 0.87 0.03 0.89 2 0 0.00 0 0 0 ... 0 0 1 1 1 3.00 0 0 0 0

5 rows × 56 columns

In [67]:
destination passanger weather temperature time coupon expiration gender age maritalStatus ... CoffeeHouse CarryAway RestaurantLessThan20 Restaurant20To50 toCoupon_GEQ5min toCoupon_GEQ15min toCoupon_GEQ25min direction_same direction_opp Y
0 No Urgent Place Alone Sunny 55 2PM Restaurant(<20) 1d Female 21 Unmarried partner ... never NaN 4~8 1~3 1 0 0 0 1 1
1 No Urgent Place Friend(s) Sunny 80 10AM Coffee House 2h Female 21 Unmarried partner ... never NaN 4~8 1~3 1 0 0 0 1 0
2 No Urgent Place Friend(s) Sunny 80 10AM Carry out & Take away 2h Female 21 Unmarried partner ... never NaN 4~8 1~3 1 1 0 0 1 1
3 No Urgent Place Friend(s) Sunny 80 2PM Coffee House 2h Female 21 Unmarried partner ... never NaN 4~8 1~3 1 1 0 0 1 0
4 No Urgent Place Friend(s) Sunny 80 2PM Coffee House 1d Female 21 Unmarried partner ... never NaN 4~8 1~3 1 1 0 0 1 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
12679 Home Partner Rainy 55 6PM Carry out & Take away 1d Male 26 Single ... never 1~3 4~8 1~3 1 0 0 1 0 1
12680 Work Alone Rainy 55 7AM Carry out & Take away 1d Male 26 Single ... never 1~3 4~8 1~3 1 0 0 0 1 1
12681 Work Alone Snowy 30 7AM Coffee House 1d Male 26 Single ... never 1~3 4~8 1~3 1 0 0 1 0 0
12682 Work Alone Snowy 30 7AM Bar 1d Male 26 Single ... never 1~3 4~8 1~3 1 1 1 0 1 0
12683 Work Alone Sunny 80 7AM Restaurant(20-50) 2h Male 26 Single ... never 1~3 4~8 1~3 1 0 0 1 0 0

12684 rows × 26 columns

Selecting Predictors for Modeling

In [68]:
X = pd.DataFrame(coupons_proc[['average income', 'education', 'expiration', 

Generalized Linear Model

$$ y = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_1 +\beta_2x_2 +\cdots+\beta_px_p + \varepsilon $$

Logistic Regression

$$ X\beta = \text{ln} \frac{\mu}{1-\mu} $$

where $e^{\text{ln}(x)}=x$ and,

$$ \mu = \frac{e^{X\beta}}{1+e^{X\beta}} $$

Logistic Regression - Parametric Form

$$p(y) = \frac{\text{exp}(\beta_0+\beta_1x_1+\beta_2x_2+\cdot\cdot\cdot+\beta_px_p)}{1+\text{exp}(\beta_0+\beta_1x_1+\beta_2x_2+\cdot\cdot\cdot+\beta_px_p)} + \varepsilon$$

Logistic Regression - Descriptive Form

$$\hat{p}(y) = \frac{\text{exp}(b_0+b_1x_1+b_2x_2+\cdot\cdot\cdot+b_px_p)}{1+\text{exp}(b_0+b_1x_1+b_2x_2+\cdot\cdot\cdot+b_px_p)}$$
$$\hat{p}(\text{coupons}) = \frac{\text{exp}(b_0+b_1(\text{average income})+b_2(\text{education})+\cdot\cdot\cdot+b_px_p))}{1+\text{exp}(b_0+b_1(\text{average income})+b_2(\text{education})+\cdot\cdot\cdot+b_px_p))}$$
In [69]:
X = sm.add_constant(X)
y = pd.DataFrame(coupons_df[['Y']])
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y,
                                   test_size=0.20, random_state=42)
log_results = sm.Logit(y_train, X_train).fit()
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.668916
         Iterations 4
Logit Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Y No. Observations: 10147
Model: Logit Df Residuals: 10140
Method: MLE Df Model: 6
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2023 Pseudo R-squ.: 0.02038
Time: 11:20:02 Log-Likelihood: -6787.5
converged: True LL-Null: -6928.7
Covariance Type: nonrobust LLR p-value: 4.833e-58
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
const 0.6642 0.064 10.303 0.000 0.538 0.791
average income -0.0415 0.021 -2.020 0.043 -0.082 -0.001
education -0.0502 0.015 -3.379 0.001 -0.079 -0.021
expiration 0.2855 0.021 13.916 0.000 0.245 0.326
age -0.0419 0.013 -3.278 0.001 -0.067 -0.017
temperature 0.1509 0.020 7.366 0.000 0.111 0.191
has_children -0.0753 0.047 -1.614 0.107 -0.167 0.016

Whether or not an individual has children bears no statistical significance for this baseline model at a p-value of 0.107. Thus, we omit this predictor from this model.

That being said, we will explore re-introducing these for subsequent models

In [70]:
X = pd.DataFrame(coupons_proc[['average income', 'education', 'expiration',

The refined logistic regression equation becomes:

$\small{\hat{p}(\text{coupons}) = \frac{\text{exp}(0.0147-0.000001821(\text{average income})-0.0512(\text{education})+0.0262(\text{expiration})-0.0053(\text{age})+0.0079(\text{temperature}))}{1+\text{exp}(0.0147-0.000001821(\text{average income})-0.0512(\text{education})+0.0262(\text{expiration})-0.0053(\text{age})+0.0079(\text{temperature}))}}$

In [71]:
logreg = LogisticRegression(), y_train)
y_pred = logreg.predict(X_test)
pred_log = [round(num) for num in y_pred]
confusion_matrix(y_test, pred_log)
array([[ 324,  804],
       [ 231, 1178]], dtype=int64)
In [72]:
plot_confusion_matrix(logreg, X_test, y_test)
plt.title('Confusion Matrix - Logistic Regression')
In [73]:
print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.58      0.29      0.39      1128
           1       0.59      0.84      0.69      1409

    accuracy                           0.59      2537
   macro avg       0.59      0.56      0.54      2537
weighted avg       0.59      0.59      0.56      2537

Decision Tree Classifier

In [74]:
coupon_tree = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3)
coupon_tree =,y_train)

y_pred = coupon_tree.predict(X_test)

print('accuracy %2.2f ' % accuracy_score(y_test,y_pred))
accuracy 0.59 
In [75]:
print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.58      0.29      0.39      1128
           1       0.59      0.83      0.69      1409

    accuracy                           0.59      2537
   macro avg       0.59      0.56      0.54      2537
weighted avg       0.59      0.59      0.56      2537

In [76]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (15, 10))
short_treeplot = tree.plot_tree(coupon_tree, filled=True)
plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 0, 0])