# Pack function: install and load more than one R packages.
# Check to see if packages are installed.
# Install them if they are not,
# Then load them into the R session.
pack <- function(lib){
new.lib <- lib[!(lib %in%
installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
if (length(new.lib))
install.packages(new.lib, dependencies = TRUE)
sapply(lib, require, character.only = TRUE)
# usage
packages <- c('astsa', 'xts', 'tidyquant', 'quantmod', 'tidyverse', 'dplyr',
'pander', 'fpp2', 'broom', 'caret', 'factoextra', 'corrplot',
'e1071', 'rugarch')
## astsa xts tidyquant quantmod tidyverse dplyr pander
## fpp2 broom caret factoextra corrplot e1071 rugarch
# get (read-in) data for the last 10 years
start = as.Date("2011-11-30") # start date
end = as.Date("2021-11-30") # end date
# data might not be available for entirety of date range
# but a 10 year look back is done to accommodate full size and scope
src = "yahoo",
from = start,
to = end)
## [1] "LTC-USD"
# cast litecoin time series into dataframe
litecoin_df <- data.frame(`LTC-USD`)
colnames(litecoin_df) <- c("Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume", "Adjusted")
litecoin.ts <- tq_get("LTC-USD", from = "2011-11-30", to = "2021-11-30") %>%
select(adjusted) %>% # adjusted price (more accurate than close price)
ts(.) # turning it into a time series object
ltc_xts <- as.xts(litecoin_df)
str(litecoin_df); str(litecoin.ts)
## 'data.frame': 2632 obs. of 6 variables:
## $ Open : num 5.09 5.07 4.69 4.33 4.26 ...
## $ High : num 5.17 5.07 4.76 4.62 4.3 ...
## $ Low : num 4.97 4.58 4.25 4.2 4.15 ...
## $ Close : num 5.06 4.69 4.33 4.29 4.25 ...
## $ Volume : num 3071840 4569260 3917450 5490660 2931220 ...
## $ Adjusted: num 5.06 4.69 4.33 4.29 4.25 ...
## Time-Series [1:2632, 1] from 1 to 2632: 5.06 4.69 4.33 4.29 4.25 ...
## - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
## ..$ : NULL
## ..$ : chr "adjusted"
cat("Dimensions of dataset:", dim(litecoin_df)) # dimensions of dataset
## Dimensions of dataset: 2632 6
cat("There are", sum(is.na(litecoin_df)), 'missing values in the dataset. \n')
## There are 24 missing values in the dataset.
# list columns pertaining to missing values in dataframe
list_na <- colnames(litecoin_df)[ apply(litecoin_df, 2, anyNA)]; list_na
## [1] "Open" "High" "Low" "Close" "Volume" "Adjusted"
# remove missing values
litecoin_df <- litecoin_df[complete.cases(litecoin_df),]
litecoin.ts <- litecoin.ts[complete.cases(litecoin.ts),]
ltc_xts <- ltc_xts[complete.cases(ltc_xts),]
# Check for missing values after complete cases (removal)
cat("\n There are", sum(is.na(litecoin_df)), 'missing values in the dataset.\n',
'New dimensions of dataset:', dim(litecoin_df))# dimensions of dataset
## There are 0 missing values in the dataset.
## New dimensions of dataset: 2628 6
At the time of the analysis, the dataset has 2628 rows and 6 columns of data.
# inspect the first and last few rows of data
head(litecoin_df, 8)
tail(litecoin_df, 8)
summary(litecoin_df[,6]) # summary stats of adjusted close prices
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 1.157 3.879 46.324 64.075 87.115 386.451
# histogram distributions
par(mfrow = c(2,3), mar = c(2, 2, 5, 2))
for (i in 1:ncol(litecoin_df)) {
xlab = names(litecoin_df[i]), ylim=c(0,1600),
main = paste(names(litecoin_df[i]), " - Histogram"),
# boxplot distributions
par(mfrow = c(2, 3),
mar = c(2, 2, 5, 2))
for (i in 1:ncol(litecoin_df)) {
ylab = names(litecoin_df[i]),
main = paste(names(litecoin_df[i]), "- Boxplot"), horizontal=TRUE,
The OHLC (open, high, low, close) and adjusted prices exhibit long-tailed distributions with a right skew; so does the volume.
Since we are interested in evaluating Litecoin’s performance as a cryptocurrency, the final (close) price would be intrinsically of interest; but, more importantly, the “adjusted closing price is considered to be a more technically accurate reflection of the true value” (Bischoff, 2019).
# test skewness by looking at mean and median relationship
mean_ltc <- round(apply(litecoin_df, 2, mean, na.rm = T),0)
median_ltc <- round(apply(litecoin_df, 2, median, na.rm = T),0)
distribution<- data.frame(mean_ltc, median_ltc)
distribution$Skewness <- ifelse(mean_ltc > 2 + median_ltc, "skewed", "normal")
# Check for exact skewness in LTC.Volume
skewValue <- apply(litecoin_df, 2, skewness, na.rm=T)
## Open High Low Close Volume Adjusted
## 1.410603 1.453786 1.357228 1.406507 2.299834 1.406507
# Applying Box-Cox Transformation on skewed variable
trans <- preProcess(data.frame(litecoin_df), method=c("BoxCox"))
## Created from 2628 samples and 6 variables
## Pre-processing:
## - Box-Cox transformation (6)
## - ignored (0)
## Lambda estimates for Box-Cox transformation:
## 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2
# look at and compare to transformed data
transformed <- predict(trans, data.frame(litecoin_df))
skew_transformed <- apply(transformed, 2, skewness, na.rm=T)
## Open High Low Close Volume Adjusted
## -0.06181721 -0.05492312 -0.07210481 -0.06325734 -0.38318043 -0.06325734
new_skew <- data.frame(skewValue, skew_transformed)
new_skew$Skew_Variance <- ifelse(skewValue < skew_transformed, "More skewed",
"Less skewed")
# assign correlation function call to variable
cor_ltc <- cor(litecoin_df)
# plot the correlation table (matrix)
addCoef.col = "black",
tl.col="black", tl.srt=45, type="lower")
From the correlation matrix, it can be discerned that whereas the OHLC and adjusted prices exhibit multicollinearity at \(r=1,\) their relationships with volume is much less pronounced, where \(0.56 \leq r \leq 0.58.\)
# center, scale the data, and assign to PCA variable
litecoin.pca <- prcomp(litecoin_df, center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE)
# assign to variance explained variable
var_explained <- round(litecoin.pca$sdev^2/sum((litecoin.pca$sdev)^2)*100, 4)
fviz_eig(litecoin.pca, main="Scree Plot of Six Principal Components",
xlab="Principal Components",
ylab = "Percent Variance Explained",
barcolor = "grey", barfill = "grey",
linecolor = "blue", addlabels=T,
Principal Component | Percent Variance | Percent Change (Delta) |
1 | 89.35 | |
2 | 10.46 | 78.9 |
3 | 0.11 | 10.35 |
4 | 0.07 | 0.03 |
5 | 0.01 | 0.06 |
6 | 0 | 0.01 |
Approximately 89.35% of the variance in the data is explained by the first principal component; thus, the effective dimension is 1. This is supported by and demonstrated in the scree plot and the ensuing table above. The table itself numerically demonstrates the percent variance that is explained by each respective principal component. The scree plot visually depicts “the percentage of the total variance explained by each component” (Kuhn & Johnson, 2016, p. 38).
# create new variable for sole purpose of plotting years on x-axis, not indices
litecoin_plot <- ts(as.vector(litecoin.ts), start=c(2014), frequency = 365)
tsplot(litecoin_plot, main='LTC Adjusted Closing Prices (2014 - 2021)',
xlab='Year', ylab='Adjusted Price (USD)') # plot the time series
The time series shows a clear trend with several predominant peaks and troughs, at approximately 2017 - 2018 and 2020 - 2021, respectively. To mitigate (offset) the trend, differencing will be performed. Furthermore, the autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function (PACF) are examined. Whereas ACF “measures the linear predictability of the series at time \(t\), say \(x_t\) using only the value of \(x_s\)” (Shumway & Stoffer, 2019, p. 20), the PACF does the same for a truncated lag length.
Autocorrelation Function (ACF) \[\begin{eqnarray*} \rho(s,t) &=& \frac{\gamma(s,t)}{\sqrt{\gamma(s,s)\gamma(t,t)}} \end{eqnarray*}\]
where \(-1 \leq \rho(s,t) \leq 1.\)
For the sample ACF, we have:
\[\begin{eqnarray*} \rho \text{ } x(h) &=& \frac{\gamma(x(h)}{\gamma x(0)} = \frac{(X_{t+h}-\bar{X}) (X_t-\bar{X})}{\large \sum (X_t-\bar{X})^2}\\ \\ &=&\text{Corr}(X_{t+h,}X_t) \end{eqnarray*}\]
par(mfrow=c(2,1), oma = c(2,2,0,0) + 0.1, mar = c(1,4,3,1) + 0.1)
acf(litecoin_df$Adjusted, lag.max=100, main='Litecoin ACF and PACF for Adjusted Prices')
pacf(litecoin_df$Adjusted, lag.max=100, main='', ylab='PACF')
Whereas the ACF gradually tapers off, the PACF cuts off after lag 1, thereby relegating this to an AR(1) model. So we have the following:
arima(litecoin_df$Adjusted, order=c(1, 0, 0))
## Call:
## arima(x = litecoin_df$Adjusted, order = c(1, 0, 0))
## Coefficients:
## ar1 intercept
## 0.9960 64.0773
## s.e. 0.0018 30.5462
## sigma^2 estimated as 46.5: log likelihood = -8776.55, aic = 17559.09
\[\begin{eqnarray*} (x_t-\mu) &=& \phi_1(x_{t-1}-\mu)+\omega_t.\\ (x_t-64.0773) &=& 0.9960(x_{t-1}-64.0773) + \omega_t\\ x_t &=& 64.0773-(64.0773\times 0.9960) + 0.9960x_{t-1}+\omega_t = 0.256+0.9960x_{t-1}+\omega_t \end{eqnarray*}\]
We plot the data for the last six years (November 2014 through November 2021).
Next, we smooth the data by introducing the simple moving average (SMA), and exponential moving average (EMA), respectively, weighting the effects by 30 days (one full month).
chartSeries(litecoin_df, theme = chartTheme("white"))
addSMA(30) # smoothed out moving average by 30 days
addEMA(30) # exponential moving average by 30 days
par(mfrow=c(1,2)); ltcfreq <- mvspec(litecoin.ts,taper=0,log="no") # peaks
ltcfreq2 <- spec.pgram(litecoin.ts,taper=0,log="yes",
main ='Periodogram with CI') # graph confidence interval
# sort the frequencies in descending order and get top 2
sort_ltcfreq <- sort(ltcfreq$spec, decreasing = TRUE)[c(1,2)]
p1 <- ltcfreq$freq[ltcfreq$spec==sort_ltcfreq[1]]; p1
## [1] 0.0007407407
p2 <- ltcfreq$freq[ltcfreq$spec==sort_ltcfreq[2]]; p2
## [1] 0.001481481
cat('Cycles are occuring every', round(1/p1,1), 'days and ', 1/p2, 'days')
## Cycles are occuring every 1350 days and 675 days
CI <- function(peak_spec){
u <- qchisq(0.025,2)
l <- qchisq(0.975,2)
c((2*peak_spec)/l,(2*peak_spec)/u)} # confidence intervals of the peaks
CI(sort_ltcfreq[1]) # CI for peak 1
## [1] 357264.8 52054543.7
CI(sort_ltcfreq[2]) # CI for peak 2
## [1] 149449.4 21775218.9
Dominant peak is \(\approx\) 0.0. Each of the generic confidence intervals is too wide to be of much use.
# nonparametric spectral estimation + graph the data with different tapering
ltcfreq_taper0 = mvspec(litecoin.ts, spans=c(2,2), log="no", taper=0)
ltcfreq_taper2 = mvspec(litecoin.ts, spans=c(2,2), log="no", taper=0.2)
ltcfreq_taper5 = mvspec(litecoin.ts, spans=c(2,2), log="no", taper=0.5)
plot(ltcfreq_taper0$freq, ltcfreq_taper0$spec, log="y", type="l",
ylab="adjusted-spectrum", xlab="frequency", panel.first=Grid())
lines(ltcfreq_taper2$freq, ltcfreq_taper2$spec, col=2)
lines(ltcfreq_taper5$freq, ltcfreq_taper5$spec, col=4)
abline(v=1/16, lty=2)
legend("topright", legend=c("no taper", "20% taper", "50% taper"), lty=1,
col=c(1,2,4), bty="n")
By comparing the different tapering, we can see that having more tapering can slightly decrease the degrees of freedom and enhances the center of the data relative to the extremities. Thus we choose the smoothing with 50% tapering.
diff_ltc_1 <- diff(log(litecoin_plot))*100
tsplot(diff_ltc_1, main='Litecoin Continuous Compound Return',ylab='Return in %')
abline(h=mean(diff_ltc_1),col=6); cat('Mean return:', mean(diff_ltc_1))
## Mean return: 0.1414742
This can be likened to the Dow-Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), which is the differenced data, and shows a mean of zero; this gives it the stationary property.
par(mfrow=c(2,1), oma = c(1,1,0,0) + 0.09, mar = c(1,4,3,0.5) + 0.08)
acf(diff_ltc_1, lag.max=500, main = 'Differenced Litecoin Adjusted Prices')
pacf(diff_ltc_1, lag.max=500, main='', ylab='PACF')
arima(diff_ltc_1, order=c(1,0,1)) # Introductory ARIMA model (1,0,1)
## Call:
## arima(x = diff_ltc_1, order = c(1, 0, 1))
## Coefficients:
## ar1 ma1 intercept
## 0.3409 -0.3514 0.1457
## s.e. 0.4836 0.4728 0.1099
## sigma^2 estimated as 32.77: log likelihood = -8310.97, aic = 16629.95
\[\begin{eqnarray*} y_t &=& c + 0.3409y_{t-1} -0.3514\varepsilon_{t-1} \end{eqnarray*}\]
where \(c = 0.1457 \times (1-0.3409) = 0.096031\) and \(\varepsilon_t\) is white noise with a standard deviation of \(\sqrt{\sigma^2}=\sqrt{32.77} = 5.725.\)
litecoin_df$Return <- litecoin_df$Close/litecoin_df$Open-1
litecoin_df$Adj_Return <- litecoin_df$Adjusted/litecoin_df$Open-1
# plot return
tsplot(litecoin_df$Return, main='Litecoin Return Over Time: 2014-2021',
# plot adj.return
tsplot(litecoin_df$Adj_Return, main='Litecoin Adjusted Return: 2014-2021',
ylab='Adjusted Return')
By differencing the data, we remove the trend, and can use the ARIMA model.
At this stage, we can conclude our exploratory data analysis with a six year historical pricing inquiry. Volatility shocks must be considered.
Cryptocurrency is a relatively new, ever-changing and ever-evolving financial technology. For this reason, we will take more conservative approach by forecasting five years out.
# create a few models and compare the AIC scores in a table
arima010 <- arima(litecoin_df$Adj_Return,order=c(0,1,0))
arima110 <- arima(litecoin_df$Adj_Return,order=c(1,1,0))
arima011 <- arima(litecoin_df$Adj_Return,order=c(0,1,1))
arima111 <- arima(litecoin_df$Adj_Return,order=c(1,1,1))
arima212 <- arima(litecoin_df$Adj_Return,order=c(2,1,2))
arima312 <- arima(litecoin_df$Adj_Return,order=c(3,1,2))
# find AIC for each model and assign to variable
sigma_2 <- c(arima010$sigma2, arima110$sigma2, arima011$sigma2, arima111$sigma2,
arima212$sigma2, arima312$sigma2)
AIC <- c(arima010$aic, arima110$aic, arima011$aic, arima111$aic, arima212$aic,
LOG <- c(arima010$loglik, arima110$loglik, arima011$loglik, arima111$loglik,
arima212$loglik, arima312$loglik)
rownames <- c('ARIMA(0,1,0)', 'ARIMA(1,1,0)', 'ARIMA(0,1,1)', 'ARIMA(1,1,1)',
'ARIMA(2,1,2)', 'ARIMA(3,1,2)')
# place the data into a table
tableARIMA <- data.frame(rownames, sigma_2, LOG, AIC)
colnames(tableARIMA) <- c('Model', 'Sigma^2', ' Log Likelihood', 'AIC')
tableARIMA %>% pander(style ='simple',
caption='ARIMA Models: Log Likelihood and AIC')
Model | Sigma^2 | Log Likelihood | AIC |
ARIMA(0,1,0) | 0.006817 | 2825 | -5647 |
ARIMA(1,1,0) | 0.005141 | 3195 | -6386 |
ARIMA(0,1,1) | 0.003416 | 3730 | -7456 |
ARIMA(1,1,1) | 0.003416 | 3730 | -7454 |
ARIMA(2,1,2) | 0.003416 | 3730 | -7450 |
ARIMA(3,1,2) | 0.003405 | 3733 | -7453 |
sarima(litecoin_df$Adj_Return, 3,1,2, details = FALSE) # the model with lowest AIC score
## $fit
## Call:
## arima(x = xdata, order = c(p, d, q), seasonal = list(order = c(P, D, Q), period = S),
## xreg = constant, transform.pars = trans, fixed = fixed, optim.control = list(trace = trc,
## REPORT = 1, reltol = tol))
## Coefficients:
## ar1 ar2 ar3 ma1 ma2 constant
## 0.6628 -0.0082 0.0398 -1.6641 0.6641 0
## s.e. 0.1113 0.0234 0.0200 0.1114 0.1115 0
## sigma^2 estimated as 0.003405: log likelihood = 3732.76, aic = -7451.52
## $degrees_of_freedom
## [1] 2621
## $ttable
## Estimate SE t.value p.value
## ar1 0.6628 0.1113 5.9542 0.0000
## ar2 -0.0082 0.0234 -0.3504 0.7261
## ar3 0.0398 0.0200 1.9952 0.0461
## ma1 -1.6641 0.1114 -14.9324 0.0000
## ma2 0.6641 0.1115 5.9564 0.0000
## constant 0.0000 0.0000 0.0286 0.9772
## $AIC
## [1] -2.836511
## $AICc
## [1] -2.836499
## $BIC
## [1] -2.82086
\[\begin{eqnarray*} y_t = 0.6628y_{t-1}-0.0082y_{t-2}+0.0398_{t-3}-1.6641 \varepsilon_{t-1}+0.6641 \varepsilon_{t-2}+\varepsilon_t \end{eqnarray*}\]
where \(c=0\) and \(\varepsilon_t\) is white noise with a standard deviation of \(\sqrt{\sigma^2} = \sqrt{0.003405}= 0.058352.\)
ltc.arima_opt <- tq_get("LTC-USD", from ="2015-01-01", to = "2021-09-30") %>%
select(adjusted) %>% # adjusted price (more accurate than close price)
ts(.) # turning it into a time series object
crypto_model <- auto.arima(ltc.arima_opt); crypto_model # Optimal ARIMA model
## Series: ltc.arima_opt
## ARIMA(3,1,3)
## Coefficients:
## ar1 ar2 ar3 ma1 ma2 ma3
## 0.6688 0.7767 -0.7404 -0.6954 -0.7546 0.7909
## s.e. 0.5612 0.3431 0.1273 0.5243 0.3831 0.1779
## sigma^2 estimated as 46.41: log likelihood=-8208.97
## AIC=16431.93 AICc=16431.98 BIC=16472.6
# forecast the next 41 closing prices, with a 95% CI
ltc_forecast <- forecast(crypto_model, 41, level = c(.95)); ltc_forecast
## Point Forecast Lo 95 Hi 95
## 2466 152.6847 139.33254 166.0369
## 2467 152.8352 134.20225 171.4681
## 2468 153.4791 130.72922 176.2291
## 2469 154.3697 127.92189 180.8175
## 2470 155.3541 125.38883 185.3193
## 2471 156.2272 122.81387 189.6405
## 2472 156.9163 120.12849 193.7040
## 2473 157.3264 117.25122 197.4016
## 2474 157.4894 114.26737 200.7113
## 2475 157.4067 111.20322 203.6101
## 2476 157.1743 108.18792 206.1606
## 2477 156.8340 105.26026 208.4077
## 2478 156.4871 102.52114 210.4531
## 2479 156.1629 99.97227 212.3535
## 2480 155.9287 97.66111 214.1962
## 2481 155.7770 95.54545 216.0086
## 2482 155.7337 93.62908 217.8384
## 2483 155.7605 91.84472 219.6762
## 2484 155.8570 90.17816 221.5358
## 2485 155.9744 88.56290 223.3858
## 2486 156.1080 86.99076 225.2253
## 2487 156.2171 85.41387 227.0203
## 2488 156.3070 83.84153 228.7724
## 2489 156.3528 82.24802 230.4576
## 2490 156.3725 80.65770 232.0873
## 2491 156.3547 79.05945 233.6500
## 2492 156.3242 77.48299 235.1654
## 2493 156.2754 75.92120 236.6296
## 2494 156.2322 74.40000 238.0644
## 2495 156.1880 72.90904 239.4670
## 2496 156.1611 71.46629 240.8559
## 2497 156.1407 70.05638 242.2250
## 2498 156.1389 68.69022 243.5875
## 2499 156.1418 67.34965 244.9339
## 2500 156.1574 66.04200 246.2727
## 2501 156.1714 64.74976 247.5931
## 2502 156.1908 63.48003 248.9015
## 2503 156.2031 62.21833 250.1879
## 2504 156.2160 60.97316 251.4587
## 2505 156.2198 59.73354 252.7060
## 2506 156.2232 58.50920 253.9372
# actual prices used for plot below
actual_price <- tq_get("LTC-USD", from = "2015-01-01", to = "2021-11-30") %>%
select(adjusted) %>% ts(.)
# Plotting forecasted prices against the actual prices
autoplot(ltc_forecast, xlab='Time (Indexed)',ylab=('Litecoin Adjusted Price')) +
autolayer(window(actual_price, start = 2300), size=0.8) +
theme_classic() +
theme(legend.position = "") +
ylim(0, 500)+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(2200,2510))
## Diagnostics for Optimal ARIMA Model
sarima(litecoin_df$Adj_Return, 3,1,3)
## initial value -2.493863
## iter 2 value -2.715988
## iter 3 value -2.764973
## iter 4 value -2.808328
## iter 5 value -2.819179
## iter 6 value -2.820811
## iter 7 value -2.823961
## iter 8 value -2.830462
## iter 9 value -2.834061
## iter 10 value -2.836192
## iter 11 value -2.837421
## iter 12 value -2.837597
## iter 13 value -2.837726
## iter 14 value -2.837759
## iter 15 value -2.837770
## iter 16 value -2.837810
## iter 17 value -2.837810
## iter 18 value -2.837811
## iter 19 value -2.837844
## iter 20 value -2.837855
## iter 21 value -2.837953
## iter 22 value -2.838398
## iter 23 value -2.838680
## iter 24 value -2.838877
## iter 25 value -2.839033
## iter 26 value -2.839360
## iter 27 value -2.839747
## iter 28 value -2.840184
## iter 29 value -2.840496
## iter 29 value -2.840496
## iter 30 value -2.840544
## iter 30 value -2.840544
## iter 31 value -2.840552
## iter 31 value -2.840552
## iter 31 value -2.840552
## final value -2.840552
## converged
## initial value -2.838511
## iter 2 value -2.838563
## iter 3 value -2.838716
## iter 4 value -2.838742
## iter 5 value -2.838783
## iter 6 value -2.838788
## iter 7 value -2.838790
## iter 8 value -2.838792
## iter 9 value -2.838795
## iter 10 value -2.838799
## iter 11 value -2.838800
## iter 12 value -2.838801
## iter 13 value -2.838801
## iter 14 value -2.838802
## iter 15 value -2.838804
## iter 16 value -2.838809
## iter 17 value -2.838809
## iter 18 value -2.838811
## iter 19 value -2.838818
## iter 20 value -2.838818
## iter 21 value -2.838819
## iter 22 value -2.838819
## iter 23 value -2.838824
## iter 24 value -2.838833
## iter 25 value -2.838850
## iter 26 value -2.838878
## iter 27 value -2.838972
## iter 28 value -2.839057
## iter 29 value -2.839191
## iter 30 value -2.839218
## iter 31 value -2.839286
## iter 32 value -2.839286
## iter 33 value -2.839286
## iter 34 value -2.839291
## iter 35 value -2.839292
## iter 36 value -2.839292
## iter 37 value -2.839294
## iter 38 value -2.839297
## iter 39 value -2.839305
## iter 40 value -2.839314
## iter 41 value -2.839324
## iter 42 value -2.839329
## iter 43 value -2.839329
## iter 43 value -2.839329
## iter 43 value -2.839329
## final value -2.839329
## converged
## $fit
## Call:
## arima(x = xdata, order = c(p, d, q), seasonal = list(order = c(P, D, Q), period = S),
## xreg = constant, transform.pars = trans, fixed = fixed, optim.control = list(trace = trc,
## REPORT = 1, reltol = tol))
## Coefficients:
## ar1 ar2 ar3 ma1 ma2 ma3 constant
## -0.1813 0.5661 -0.0023 -0.8161 -0.7215 0.5399 0
## s.e. 0.2028 0.1715 0.0203 0.2014 0.1493 0.1709 0
## sigma^2 estimated as 0.003412: log likelihood = 3731.37, aic = -7446.73
## $degrees_of_freedom
## [1] 2620
## $ttable
## Estimate SE t.value p.value
## ar1 -0.1813 0.2028 -0.8941 0.3713
## ar2 0.5661 0.1715 3.3019 0.0010
## ar3 -0.0023 0.0203 -0.1111 0.9116
## ma1 -0.8161 0.2014 -4.0531 0.0001
## ma2 -0.7215 0.1493 -4.8315 0.0000
## ma3 0.5399 0.1709 3.1597 0.0016
## constant 0.0000 0.0000 0.0777 0.9381
## $AIC
## [1] -2.834691
## $AICc
## [1] -2.834675
## $BIC
## [1] -2.816804
\[\begin{eqnarray*} y_t &=& -0.1813y_{t-1} + 0.5661y_{t-2} - -0.0023y_{t-3} - 0.8161 \varepsilon_{t-1} - 0.7215 \varepsilon_{t-2} + 0.5399 \varepsilon_{t-3} + \varepsilon_t \end{eqnarray*}\]
where \(c = 0\) and \(\varepsilon_t\) is white noise with a standard deviation of \(\sqrt{\sigma^2}=\sqrt{0.003412} = 0.05841233.\)
return = CalculateReturns(ltc_xts$Adjusted)
return = return[-1,]
chart.RollingPerformance(R = return, FUN="sd.annualized", scale=365, width=12,
main="LTC-USD Annualized Volatility")
volatility <- sd(return)
rolling_window <- sqrt(365)*sd(return["2021"])
rownames <- c('Metric')
table_vol<- data.frame(rownames, volatility, rolling_window)
colnames(table_vol)<-c(' ','Annualized Volatility', 'Rolling Window Volatility')
table_vol %>% pander(style ='simple', caption='Litecoin Volatility of Return')
Annualized Volatility | Rolling Window Volatility | |
Metric | 0.05838 | 1.189 |
acf2(return, main='Litecoin Annualized Volatility - ACF and PACF')
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13]
## ACF 0 -0.01 0.01 0.06 -0.02 0.09 -0.03 -0.05 0 0.00 0.02 -0.03 0
## PACF 0 -0.01 0.01 0.06 -0.02 0.09 -0.03 -0.05 0 -0.01 0.03 -0.03 0
## [,14] [,15] [,16] [,17] [,18] [,19] [,20] [,21] [,22] [,23] [,24] [,25]
## ACF 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.04 -0.01 0.04 0.00 -0.01 -0.01 0.02 0 0.06
## PACF 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.04 -0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0.01 0 0.06
## [,26] [,27] [,28] [,29] [,30] [,31] [,32] [,33] [,34] [,35] [,36] [,37]
## ACF 0.02 0.01 0.01 -0.01 -0.01 0.02 -0.01 0.02 0.02 0.00 -0.01 0.00
## PACF 0.02 0.02 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0.01 -0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 -0.01 -0.01
## [,38] [,39] [,40] [,41] [,42] [,43] [,44] [,45] [,46] [,47] [,48] [,49]
## ACF -0.01 0.01 0 0.02 0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0.02 -0.03 -0.01 0.02 -0.02
## PACF -0.01 0.00 0 0.02 0.02 -0.02 -0.02 0.01 -0.03 -0.01 0.01 -0.01
## [,50] [,51] [,52] [,53] [,54] [,55] [,56] [,57] [,58] [,59] [,60] [,61]
## ACF 0 -0.04 -0.03 -0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 -0.01 0.01 0.06 0.00 0
## PACF 0 -0.05 -0.03 -0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.05 -0.01 0
## [,62]
## ACF 0.02
## PACF 0.03
From the graph above, we can see that the annualized volatility is throughout the entire history of existence of LTC, with various magnitudes through different months. This leading to GARCH/conditional volatility.
model1 = ugarchspec(mean.model = list(armaorder = c(0,0)),
variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH", garchorder=c(1,1)),
# model fitting
model_fitting=ugarchfit(data = return, spec = model1, out.sample=20)
## *---------------------------------*
## * GARCH Model Fit *
## *---------------------------------*
## Conditional Variance Dynamics
## -----------------------------------
## GARCH Model : sGARCH(1,1)
## Mean Model : ARFIMA(1,0,1)
## Distribution : sstd
## Optimal Parameters
## ------------------------------------
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## mu 0.000735 0.000524 1.4027 0.160717
## ar1 0.418107 0.157935 2.6473 0.008113
## ma1 -0.497210 0.150026 -3.3142 0.000919
## omega 0.000016 0.000007 2.2844 0.022348
## alpha1 0.097471 0.011706 8.3264 0.000000
## beta1 0.901529 0.013195 68.3219 0.000000
## skew 1.067920 0.023746 44.9724 0.000000
## shape 3.018354 0.128460 23.4965 0.000000
## Robust Standard Errors:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## mu 0.000735 0.000551 1.3349 0.181904
## ar1 0.418107 0.166875 2.5055 0.012228
## ma1 -0.497210 0.158516 -3.1367 0.001709
## omega 0.000016 0.000013 1.2280 0.219459
## alpha1 0.097471 0.015074 6.4663 0.000000
## beta1 0.901529 0.023431 38.4755 0.000000
## skew 1.067920 0.023843 44.7894 0.000000
## shape 3.018354 0.146389 20.6187 0.000000
## LogLikelihood : 4577.366
## Information Criteria
## ------------------------------------
## Akaike -3.5055
## Bayes -3.4875
## Shibata -3.5055
## Hannan-Quinn -3.4989
## Weighted Ljung-Box Test on Standardized Residuals
## ------------------------------------
## statistic p-value
## Lag[1] 12.05 0.00051805882
## Lag[2*(p+q)+(p+q)-1][5] 17.01 0.00000000000
## Lag[4*(p+q)+(p+q)-1][9] 20.75 0.00000002785
## d.o.f=2
## H0 : No serial correlation
## Weighted Ljung-Box Test on Standardized Squared Residuals
## ------------------------------------
## statistic p-value
## Lag[1] 0.03717 0.8471
## Lag[2*(p+q)+(p+q)-1][5] 0.13202 0.9967
## Lag[4*(p+q)+(p+q)-1][9] 0.21580 0.9999
## d.o.f=2
## Weighted ARCH LM Tests
## ------------------------------------
## Statistic Shape Scale P-Value
## ARCH Lag[3] 0.05465 0.500 2.000 0.8152
## ARCH Lag[5] 0.12590 1.440 1.667 0.9818
## ARCH Lag[7] 0.16175 2.315 1.543 0.9982
## Nyblom stability test
## ------------------------------------
## Joint Statistic: 19.2766
## Individual Statistics:
## mu 0.11840
## ar1 0.07957
## ma1 0.08344
## omega 1.70341
## alpha1 1.67979
## beta1 2.04314
## skew 0.12408
## shape 6.02957
## Asymptotic Critical Values (10% 5% 1%)
## Joint Statistic: 1.89 2.11 2.59
## Individual Statistic: 0.35 0.47 0.75
## Sign Bias Test
## ------------------------------------
## t-value prob sig
## Sign Bias 1.4538 0.1461
## Negative Sign Bias 0.2108 0.8330
## Positive Sign Bias 1.2293 0.2191
## Joint Effect 3.3001 0.3476
## Adjusted Pearson Goodness-of-Fit Test:
## ------------------------------------
## group statistic p-value(g-1)
## 1 20 37.41 0.007046
## 2 30 54.32 0.002969
## 3 40 56.28 0.036107
## 4 50 69.24 0.029979
## Elapsed time : 0.8047409
# plot
## please wait...calculating quantiles...
oma = c(1.5,0.5,0,0) + 0.10,
mar = c(5,4,3,2) -0.10)
plot(model_fitting, which=2)
## please wait...calculating quantiles...
plot(model_fitting, which=3)
Bischoff, B. & Cockerham, R. (2019, March 31). Adjusted Closing Price vs. Closing Price. Zacks.
Kuhn, M., & Johnson, K. (2016). Applied Predictive Modeling. Springer.
Shumway, R., & Stoffer, D. (2019). Time Series: A Data Analysis Approach Using R. Chapman and Hall/CRC.