Part One

Load the requisite libraries

pack <- function(lib){
  new.lib <- lib[!(lib %in% 
                     installed.packages()[, 'Package'])]
  if (length(new.lib)) 
    install.packages(new.lib, dependencies = TRUE)
  sapply(lib, require, character.only = TRUE)

packages <- c('neuralnet', 'corrplot', 'caret', 'caTools', 'ggplot2', 'ggpubr',
              'cowplot', 'h2o', 'lime', 'pander', 'DT')
## neuralnet  corrplot     caret   caTools   ggplot2    ggpubr   cowplot       h2o 
##      TRUE      TRUE      TRUE      TRUE      TRUE      TRUE      TRUE      TRUE 
##      lime    pander        DT 
##      TRUE      TRUE      TRUE
getwd() # establish current working directory

[1] “C:/Users/lshpaner/OneDrive/Cornell University/Coursework/Data Science Certificate Program/CEEM586 - Neural Networks and Machine Learning”

# set new working directory
working_dir = paste('C:/Users/lshpaner/OneDrive/Cornell University/Coursework/',
                    'Data Science Certificate Program/',
                    'CEEM586 - Neural Networks and Machine Learning/', sep = '')
# Read in the data
election <- read.csv(paste('',
                           'ElectionData.csv', sep = ''), row.names = 1, 
                     header = TRUE,
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


# remove index column to better adapt to machine learning format
rownames(election) <- NULL
datatable(election, options = list(scrollX = TRUE))  # inspect the df
election_new <- election; election_new$Clinton <- NULL # remove Clinton from df

datatable(election, options = list(scrollX = TRUE)) # reinspect the new df
str(election_new[1, ]) # inspect the structure of the df
## 'data.frame':    1 obs. of  27 variables:
##  $ fips                      : int 1001
##  $ US.regions                : int 3
##  $ PacificCoast              : int 0
##  $ MountainsPlains           : int 0
##  $ South                     : int 1
##  $ Midwest                   : int 0
##  $ Northeast                 : int 0
##  $ Population                : num 41435
##  $ PercentFemale             : num 51.4
##  $ PercentWhite              : num 77.9
##  $ PercentAfricanAmerican    : num 18.7
##  $ PercentNativeAmerican     : num 0.5
##  $ PercentAsian              : num 1.1
##  $ PercentHawaianPI          : num 0.1
##  $ PercentTwoorMore          : num 1.8
##  $ PercentHispanic           : num 2.7
##  $ Percent.White.Not.Hispanic: num 75.6
##  $ Percent.foreign.born      : num 1.6
##  $ PercentLangDiffEnglish    : num 3.5
##  $ Bachlorsorhigher          : num 20.9
##  $ HighSchoolGrad            : num 64.7
##  $ HomeOwnership             : num 76.8
##  $ PersonsPerHouse           : num 2.71
##  $ IncomeperCapita           : int 24571
##  $ PercentBelowPoverty       : num 12.1
##  $ PopPerSqMile              : num 91.8
##  $ Trump                     : num 0.734
cat('Dimensions of dataset:', dim(election_new), # dimensions of dataframe
    '\n', 'There are', sum(,  
    'NA values in the entire dataset.')
## Dimensions of dataset: 3143 27 
##  There are 0 NA values in the entire dataset.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Correlation Matrix

# create function to plot correlation matrix and establish multicollinearity
# takes one input (df) to pass in dataframe of interest
multicollinearity <- function(df,, tl.offset, number.cex, tl.cex) {
      # Examine between predictor correlations/multicollinearity
      corr <- cor(df, use = 'pairwise.complete.obs')
      corrplot(corr, mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), method = 'color', 
                     col = colorRampPalette(c('#FC0320', '#FFFFFF', 
                     addCoef.col = 'black', =, 
                     tl.offset = tl.offset, tl.col = 'black', 
                     number.cex = number.cex, tl.cex = tl.cex, type = 'lower')
      # count how many highly correlate variables exist based on 0.75 threshold
      highCorr <- findCorrelation(corr, cutoff = 0.75)
      # find correlated names
      highCorr_names <- findCorrelation(corr, cutoff = 0.75, names = TRUE)
      cat(' There are', length(highCorr_names), 'highly correlated predictors.', 
          '\n The following variables should be omitted:',  
      paste('\n', unlist(highCorr_names)))
# create a correlation matrix between all variables by calling the function
multicollinearity(election_new, = 6, tl.offset = 1, number.cex = 0.55, 
                  tl.cex = 0.7) 

##  There are 5 highly correlated predictors. 
##  The following variables should be omitted: 
##  Percent.White.Not.Hispanic 
##  Percent.foreign.born 
##  PercentLangDiffEnglish 
##  PercentWhite 
##  Bachlorsorhigher


Various economic indicators may shed light on election results. These important variable relationships are examined in the ensuing scatter plot diagrams. Plot A demonstrates that there exists a strong negative correlation (r = -0.98) between Clinton’s fraction of Votes to that of Trump’s. In Plot B, as income per capita decreases, the percent below poverty increases, so there exists a strong negative relationship (r = -0.73) between the two. Plot C shows that there is a weak (almost moderate) relationship (r = -0.34) between home ownership and percent below poverty; so, as the percent below poverty increases, home ownership begins to decrease. Lastly, persons per house shares a low correlation (r = 0.21) with percent below poverty, so it is difficult to compare the two.

x1 = election$Trump; y1 = election$Clinton

plot1 <- ggplot(election, aes(x = x1, y = y1)) +
                    ggtitle('Clinton vs. Trump by Fraction of Votes') +
                    xlab('Trump') + ylab('Clinton') +
                    geom_point(pch = 1) +
                    geom_smooth(method = 'lm', se = FALSE) +
                    theme_classic() +
                    # Add correlation coefficient
                    stat_cor(method = 'pearson', label.x = 0.05, label.y = 0.02)

x2 = election$PercentBelowPoverty; y2 = election$IncomeperCapita

plot2 <- ggplot(election, aes(x = x2, y = y2)) +
                    ggtitle('Income Per Capita vs. Percent Below Poverty') +
                    xlab('Percent Below Poverty') + ylab('Income Per Capita') +
                    geom_point(pch = 1) +
                    geom_smooth(method = 'lm', se = FALSE) +
                    theme_classic() +
                    # Add correlation coefficient
                    stat_cor(method = 'pearson', label.x = 0.15, label.y = 0.20)

x3 = election$PercentBelowPoverty; y3 = election$HomeOwnership

plot3 <- ggplot(election, aes(x = x3, y = y3)) +
                    ggtitle('Home Ownership vs. Percent Below Poverty') +
                    xlab('Percent Below Poverty') + ylab('Home Ownership') +
                    geom_point(pch = 1) +
                    geom_smooth(method = 'lm', se = FALSE) +
                    theme_classic() +
                    # Add correlation coefficient
                    stat_cor(method = 'pearson', label.x = 0.15, label.y = 10)

x4 = election$PercentBelowPoverty; y4 = election$PersonsPerHouse

plot4 <- ggplot(election, aes(x = x4, y = y4)) +
                    ggtitle('Persons Per House vs. Percent Below Poverty') +
                    xlab('Percent Below Poverty') + ylab('Persons Per House') +
                    geom_point(pch = 1) +
                    geom_smooth(method = 'lm', se = FALSE) +
                    theme_classic() +
                    # Add correlation coefficient
                    stat_cor(method = 'pearson', label.x = 0.15, label.y = 0.20)

plot_grid(plot1, plot2, plot3, plot4, labels = 'AUTO', ncol = 2, align = 'v')
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

# remove highly correlated predictors
election_new$Percent.White.Not.Hispanic <- NULL
election_new$Percent.foreign.born <- NULL 
election_new$PercentLangDiffEnglish <- NULL 
election_new$PercentWhite <- NULL 
election_new$Bachlorsorhigher <- NULL

Partition The Data

The dataset is partitioned using a 70/30 train/test split

set.seed(222) # set seed for reproducibility
#Use 70% of dataset as training set and remaining 30% as testing set
sample <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), nrow(election_new), replace=TRUE, 
train  <- election_new[sample, ] # training set
test   <- election_new[!sample, ] # test set

cat('\n Training Dimensions:',dim(train),
    '\n Testing Dimensions:', dim(test), '\n',
    '\n Training Dimensions Percentage:', round(nrow(train)/
                                                nrow(election_new), 2),
    '\n Testing Dimensions Percentage:', round(nrow(test)/
                                               nrow(election_new), 2))
##  Training Dimensions: 2186 22 
##  Testing Dimensions: 957 22 
##  Training Dimensions Percentage: 0.7 
##  Testing Dimensions Percentage: 0.3

Preprocessing via Normalization

# Create a function to normalize the data by scaling it between 0 and 1
normalize <- function(x) {
  return ((x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x)))


# Use the normalize function to normalize each column of train and test.
# This creates a new dataframe by applying the normalize function to each row 
# of the dataset ‘frame’
maxmindtrain <-, normalize)) 
maxmindtest <-, normalize))
# Define input and output variables to create the training data data frame
input_train <- train[c(1:22)]
input_test <- test[c(1:22)]
output_train <- train$Trump # training output
output_test <- test$Trump # validation output
trainingdata <- cbind(input_train, output_train)
testdata <- cbind(input_test, output_test)

Generalized Linear Model

set.seed(222) # set the random seed for reproducibility <- glm(Trump ~ ., data = trainingdata)
## Call:
## glm(formula = Trump ~ ., data = trainingdata)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##        Min          1Q      Median          3Q         Max  
## -9.992e-16  -3.331e-16  -1.110e-16   2.220e-16   1.166e-15  
## Coefficients: (2 not defined because of singularities)
##                          Estimate Std. Error    t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)             1.112e-17  3.416e-16  3.300e-02 0.974031    
## fips                    1.419e-21  5.556e-22  2.555e+00 0.010698 *  
## US.regions             -1.938e-16  3.539e-17 -5.477e+00 4.83e-08 ***
## PacificCoast           -4.894e-16  1.230e-16 -3.980e+00 7.11e-05 ***
## MountainsPlains        -5.678e-16  8.248e-17 -6.885e+00 7.57e-12 ***
## South                  -5.426e-16  5.116e-17 -1.061e+01  < 2e-16 ***
## Midwest                        NA         NA         NA       NA    
## Northeast                      NA         NA         NA       NA    
## Population              5.198e-23  4.696e-23  1.107e+00 0.268464    
## PercentFemale           1.303e-17  3.783e-18  3.444e+00 0.000583 ***
## PercentAfricanAmerican  1.064e-17  8.595e-19  1.238e+01  < 2e-16 ***
## PercentNativeAmerican   3.026e-19  1.416e-18  2.140e-01 0.830823    
## PercentAsian            7.091e-18  4.264e-18  1.663e+00 0.096505 .  
## PercentHawaianPI        4.762e-18  8.261e-18  5.760e-01 0.564363    
## PercentTwoorMore       -5.311e-18  7.205e-18 -7.370e-01 0.461098    
## PercentHispanic        -4.935e-19  8.324e-19 -5.930e-01 0.553334    
## HighSchoolGrad         -1.252e-17  1.774e-18 -7.054e+00 2.32e-12 ***
## HomeOwnership          -3.491e-18  1.367e-18 -2.554e+00 0.010711 *  
## PersonsPerHouse        -3.482e-17  4.271e-17 -8.150e-01 0.415082    
## IncomeperCapita        -1.327e-21  3.025e-21 -4.380e-01 0.661080    
## PercentBelowPoverty    -6.857e-18  2.609e-18 -2.629e+00 0.008636 ** 
## PopPerSqMile            1.119e-20  8.475e-21  1.320e+00 0.187033    
## output_train            1.000e+00  5.303e-17  1.886e+16  < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 1.43169e-31)
##     Null deviance: 6.6136e+01  on 2185  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 3.0996e-28  on 2165  degrees of freedom
## AIC: -149026
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 1

Simple Neural Network Model

n_train <- names(trainingdata)
n_test <- names(testdata)

f_train <- as.formula(paste('Trump ~', paste(n_train[!n_train %in% 'Trump'], 
                                             collapse = ' + ')))
f_test <- as.formula(paste('Trump ~', paste(n_test[!n_test %in% 'Trump'], 
                                            collapse = ' + ')))

# 2 hidden layers with 5 and 3 neurons, respectively
nn_train <- neuralnet(f_train, data = trainingdata, hidden = c(5, 3), 
                      linear.output = T) 
nn_test <- neuralnet(f_test, data = testdata, hidden = c(5, 3), 
                     linear.output = T) 
plot(nn_train, rep = 'best') # plot the neural network - training data

### Predict on Training Data and Test Data

set.seed(222) # set the random seed for reproducibility
# Compute fitted values from the training data
predictions_train <- predict(nn_train, newdata = trainingdata)
# Test the neural networks out of sample performance
predictions_test <- predict(nn_test, newdata = testdata)
# Compute mean absolute error between true and fitted values
# we are wrong on average by this many fraction of votes
train_mae = mean(abs(predictions_train - output_train)) 
test_mae = mean(abs(predictions_test - output_test)) 
cat('\n', 'Train MAE:', train_mae,
    '\n', 'Test MAE:', test_mae,
    '\n', 'Difference in MAE Between Train and Validation Set:', 
     train_mae - test_mae)
##  Train MAE: 0.1362437 
##  Test MAE: 0.1285449 
##  Difference in MAE Between Train and Validation Set: 0.007698762

Part Two

Initialize H2o

##  Connection successful!
## R is connected to the H2O cluster: 
##     H2O cluster uptime:         3 hours 58 minutes 
##     H2O cluster timezone:       America/Los_Angeles 
##     H2O data parsing timezone:  UTC 
##     H2O cluster version: 
##     H2O cluster version age:    3 months and 21 days !!! 
##     H2O cluster name:           H2O_started_from_R_lshpaner_orw759 
##     H2O cluster total nodes:    1 
##     H2O cluster total memory:   7.76 GB 
##     H2O cluster total cores:    16 
##     H2O cluster allowed cores:  16 
##     H2O cluster healthy:        TRUE 
##     H2O Connection ip:          localhost 
##     H2O Connection port:        54321 
##     H2O Connection proxy:       NA 
##     H2O Internal Security:      FALSE 
##     R Version:                  R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31 ucrt)

Read in the data

housing <- read.csv(paste('',
                          'DC_PropertieResidentialunder1mill.csv', sep = ''), 
                    header = TRUE)
# examine first 10 columns of data
datatable(housing[, 1:10], options = list(scrollX = TRUE)) 
# examine structure of dataframe
str(housing[1, ]) # only look at first column
## 'data.frame':    1 obs. of  108 variables:
##  $ X.1                       : int 105692
##  $ BATHRM                    : int 3
##  $ HF_BATHRM                 : int 1
##  $ BATHROOMS                 : num 3.5
##  $ AC1IsYes                  : int 1
##  $ NUM_UNITS                 : int 1
##  $ ROOMS                     : int 8
##  $ BEDRM                     : int 3
##  $ EYB                       : int 2018
##  $ STORIES                   : num 2
##  $ YearSold                  : int 2018
##  $ Month                     : int 1
##  $ Winter                    : int 1
##  $ Spring                    : int 0
##  $ Summer                    : int 0
##  $ PRICE                     : int 51000
##  $ logPrice                  : num 4.71
##  $ GrossBuildingArea         : int 1476
##  $ RowInside                 : int 1
##  $ RowEnd                    : int 0
##  $ Multi                     : int 0
##  $ SemiDetached              : int 0
##  $ Single                    : int 0
##  $ TownEnd                   : int 0
##  $ TownInside                : int 0
##  $ GradeLowerBetter          : int 2
##  $ CNDTN                     : chr "Very Good"
##  $ EXTWALL                   : chr "Face Brick"
##  $ ROOF                      : chr "Comp Shingle"
##  $ INTWALL                   : chr "Hardwood"
##  $ KITCHENS                  : int 1
##  $ FIREPLACES                : int 0
##  $ USECODE                   : int 11
##  $ LANDAREA                  : int 1232
##  $ Residential_0.Condo_1     : int 0
##  $ ASSESSMENT_NBHD           : chr "Congress Heights"
##  $ CongressHeights           : int 1
##  $ Deanwood                  : int 0
##  $ RandleHeights             : int 0
##  $ FortDupontPark            : int 0
##  $ MichiganPark              : int 0
##  $ MarshallHeights           : int 0
##  $ ColumbiaHeights           : int 0
##  $ Brookland                 : int 0
##  $ Trinidad                  : int 0
##  $ Hillcrest                 : int 0
##  $ Burleith                  : int 0
##  $ Anacostia                 : int 0
##  $ LilyPonds                 : int 0
##  $ BarryFarms                : int 0
##  $ Petworth                  : int 0
##  $ Woodridge                 : int 0
##  $ OldCity1                  : int 0
##  $ Brentwood                 : int 0
##  $ Eckington                 : int 0
##  $ MtPleasant                : int 0
##  $ FortLincoln               : int 0
##  $ RiggsPark                 : int 0
##  $ StreetHeights16th         : int 0
##  $ OldCity2                  : int 0
##  $ TakomaPark                : int 0
##  $ Brightwood                : int 0
##  $ Chillum                   : int 0
##  $ CapitolHill               : int 0
##  $ LedroitPark               : int 0
##  $ ChevyChase                : int 0
##  $ ShepherdHeights           : int 0
##  $ Georgetown                : int 0
##  $ AmericanUniversity        : int 0
##  $ FoggyBottom               : int 0
##  $ Kent                      : int 0
##  $ WesleyHeights             : int 0
##  $ Palisades                 : int 0
##  $ GloverPark                : int 0
##  $ Crestwood                 : int 0
##  $ ClevelandPark             : int 0
##  $ ColonialVillage           : int 0
##  $ SouthwestWaterfront       : int 0
##  $ Foxhall                   : int 0
##  $ NorthClevelandPark        : int 0
##  $ Hawthorne                 : int 0
##  $ SpringValley              : int 0
##  $ Wakefield                 : int 0
##  $ Centraltri1               : int 0
##  $ Berkley                   : int 0
##  $ Garfield                  : int 0
##  $ ForestHills               : int 0
##  $ ObservatoryCircle         : int 0
##  $ Kalorama                  : int 0
##  $ Woodley                   : int 0
##  $ MassachusettsAvenueHeights: int 0
##  $ ASSESSMENT_SUBNBHD        : chr "016 B Congress Heights"
##  $ CENSUS_TRACT              : int 7304
##  $ CENSUS_BLOCK              : chr "007304 3005"
##  $ Ward                      : int 8
##  $ Ward2                     : int 0
##  $ Ward3                     : int 0
##  $ Ward4                     : int 0
##  $ Ward5                     : int 0
##   [list output truncated]


# remove non-numeric variables s.t. amendable to ML modeling
housing$BATHRM <- NULL # unrounded expression of bathrooms
housing$CNDTN <- NULL
housing$EXTWALL <- NULL
housing$ROOF <- NULL
housing$INTWALL <- NULL

# contains 53 levels (already as variables/columns)
housing$SQUARE <- NULL
housing$QUADRANT <- NULL

# remove logPrice since PRICE is the target, and we do not
# need to linearize it
housing$logPrice <- NULL
housing$X <- NULL; housing$Y <- NULL # GPS coordiantes (x, y) --> not necessary
# supply names of columns that have 0 variance
names(housing[, sapply(housing, function(v) var(v, na.rm=TRUE)==0)])
## [1] "Single"                     "Residential_0.Condo_1"     
## [3] "Kalorama"                   "Woodley"                   
## [5] "MassachusettsAvenueHeights"
# exclude zero variance columns
housing <- housing[, sapply(housing, function(v) var(v, na.rm = TRUE) != 0)]
# dimensions of dataset

cat(' Dimensions of dataset:', dim(housing),
    '\n', 'There are', sum(, 
    'NA values in the entire dataset.')
##  Dimensions of dataset: 10617 90 
##  There are 180 NA values in the entire dataset.
# assign variable to count how many highly correlated
# variables there exist based on 0.75 threshold
highCorr_names <- findCorrelation(cor(housing, use = 'pairwise.complete.obs'),
cutoff = 0.75, names = TRUE)

highCorr <- findCorrelation(cor(housing), cutoff = 0.75)
cat(' There are', length(highCorr_names),
    'highly correlated predictors.'); highCorr_names
##  There are 4 highly correlated predictors.
## [1] "NW"        "Ward6"     "Multi"     "NUM_UNITS"
# remove highly correlated predictors
housing$NW <- NULL; housing$Ward6 <- NULL
housing$Multi <- NULL; housing$NUM_UNITS <- NULL
X_var <- colnames(housing)                          # independent 
X_var <- list(colnames(housing))                    # variables
X_var <- X_var[[1]][-15]; X_var <- X_var[-1]; X_var # remove from list
##  [1] "HF_BATHRM"           "BATHROOMS"           "AC1IsYes"           
##  [4] "ROOMS"               "BEDRM"               "EYB"                
##  [7] "STORIES"             "YearSold"            "Month"              
## [10] "Winter"              "Spring"              "Summer"             
## [13] "PRICE"               "RowInside"           "RowEnd"             
## [16] "SemiDetached"        "TownEnd"             "TownInside"         
## [19] "GradeLowerBetter"    "KITCHENS"            "FIREPLACES"         
## [22] "USECODE"             "LANDAREA"            "CongressHeights"    
## [25] "Deanwood"            "RandleHeights"       "FortDupontPark"     
## [28] "MichiganPark"        "MarshallHeights"     "ColumbiaHeights"    
## [31] "Brookland"           "Trinidad"            "Hillcrest"          
## [34] "Burleith"            "Anacostia"           "LilyPonds"          
## [37] "BarryFarms"          "Petworth"            "Woodridge"          
## [40] "OldCity1"            "Brentwood"           "Eckington"          
## [43] "MtPleasant"          "FortLincoln"         "RiggsPark"          
## [46] "StreetHeights16th"   "OldCity2"            "TakomaPark"         
## [49] "Brightwood"          "Chillum"             "CapitolHill"        
## [52] "LedroitPark"         "ChevyChase"          "ShepherdHeights"    
## [55] "Georgetown"          "AmericanUniversity"  "FoggyBottom"        
## [58] "Kent"                "WesleyHeights"       "Palisades"          
## [61] "GloverPark"          "Crestwood"           "ClevelandPark"      
## [64] "ColonialVillage"     "SouthwestWaterfront" "Foxhall"            
## [67] "NorthClevelandPark"  "Hawthorne"           "SpringValley"       
## [70] "Wakefield"           "Centraltri1"         "Berkley"            
## [73] "Garfield"            "ForestHills"         "ObservatoryCircle"  
## [76] "CENSUS_TRACT"        "Ward"                "Ward2"              
## [79] "Ward3"               "Ward4"               "Ward5"              
## [82] "Ward7"               "NE"                  "SW"

Partitioning The Data

# dataset is partitioned using a 70/30 train_test split as follows.
set.seed(222) # make this example reproducible
seventy_percent = 0.70*nrow(housing) # what is 70% of length of dataframe?

# reassign to new var as sample of 70% of data
ind <- sample(1:nrow(housing), seventy_percent)
train_data <- as.h2o(housing[ind, ]) # create training set as h2o data frame
test_data <- as.h2o(housing[-ind, ]) # create test set as h2o data frame
cat(' Train Size:', dim(train_data), 
    '\n Test Size:', dim(test_data), 
    '\n Train Percentage:', round(nrow(train_data)/nrow(housing), 2),
    '\n Test Percentage:', round(nrow(test_data)/nrow(housing), 2))
##  Train Size: 7431 86 
##  Test Size: 3186 86 
##  Train Percentage: 0.7 
##  Test Percentage: 0.3

Estimate The Deep Neural Network

dl_DC_Properties1 <- h2o.deeplearning(y = 'PRICE', x = c(X_var), 
                                      training_frame = train_data,
                                      validation_frame = test_data, 
                                      activation = 'Tanh', epochs = 1000, 
                                      hidden = c(4, 4), standardize = TRUE, 
                                      l1 = 0.0001, l2 = 0.001, 
                                      adaptive_rate = TRUE,
                                      variable_importances = TRUE, nfolds = 3, 
                                      reproducible = TRUE, seed = 222)

Plot and Model Summary

The figure below shows the relationship between mean absolute error and number of epochs for both the training and validation sets, respectively. Generally, as the number of epochs increase, the MAE decreases, but there is a wider gap between the training and validation sets. The neural network is tuned with the Tanh activation function over 1000 epochs, four hidden layers and four nodes, respectively, an l1 rate of 0.0001, and l2 rate of 0.01. Moreover, the adaptive_rate, variable_importances, and reproducible hyperparameters are set to TRUE. Cross-validation is carried out over 3 folds.

plot(dl_DC_Properties1, metric = 'mae') # loss plotted throughout training

summary(dl_DC_Properties1) # Print model summary information
## Model Details:
## ==============
## H2ORegressionModel: deeplearning
## Model Key:  DeepLearning_model_R_1673371977003_68 
## Status of Neuron Layers: predicting PRICE, regression, gaussian distribution, Quadratic loss, 361 weights/biases, 25.1 KB, 163,460 training samples, mini-batch size 1
##   layer units   type dropout       l1       l2 mean_rate rate_rms momentum
## 1     1    83  Input  0.00 %       NA       NA        NA       NA       NA
## 2     2     4   Tanh  0.00 % 0.000100 0.001000  0.006463 0.017503 0.000000
## 3     3     4   Tanh  0.00 % 0.000100 0.001000  0.002768 0.001816 0.000000
## 4     4     1 Linear      NA 0.000100 0.001000  0.001201 0.000268 0.000000
##   mean_weight weight_rms mean_bias bias_rms
## 1          NA         NA        NA       NA
## 2   -0.016761   0.112974 -0.062022 0.055470
## 3   -0.106086   0.360285 -0.018518 0.222929
## 4    0.171316   0.572101  0.043931 0.000000
## H2ORegressionMetrics: deeplearning
## ** Reported on training data. **
## ** Metrics reported on full training frame **
## MSE:  7427231127
## RMSE:  86181.39
## MAE:  65021.91
## RMSLE:  0.1709592
## Mean Residual Deviance :  7427231127
## H2ORegressionMetrics: deeplearning
## ** Reported on validation data. **
## ** Metrics reported on full validation frame **
## MSE:  7853304605
## RMSE:  88618.87
## MAE:  66306.82
## RMSLE:  0.1721573
## Mean Residual Deviance :  7853304605
## H2ORegressionMetrics: deeplearning
## ** Reported on cross-validation data. **
## ** 3-fold cross-validation on training data (Metrics computed for combined holdout predictions) **
## MSE:  7971277281
## RMSE:  89282.01
## MAE:  67263.08
## RMSLE:  0.1763725
## Mean Residual Deviance :  7971277281
## Cross-Validation Metrics Summary: 
##                                     mean               sd        cv_1_valid
## mae                         67252.914000      1395.125400      68825.600000
## mean_residual_deviance 7966297600.000000 562290750.000000 8594185000.000000
## mse                    7966297600.000000 562290750.000000 8594185000.000000
## r2                              0.835067         0.010278          0.823837
## residual_deviance      7966297600.000000 562290750.000000 8594185000.000000
## rmse                        89217.550000      3128.940000      92704.830000
## rmsle                           0.176283         0.005438          0.178552
##                               cv_2_valid        cv_3_valid
## mae                         66164.290000      66768.870000
## mean_residual_deviance 7795491300.000000 7509215700.000000
## mse                    7795491300.000000 7509215700.000000
## r2                              0.837359          0.844007
## residual_deviance      7795491300.000000 7509215700.000000
## rmse                        88292.080000      86655.734000
## rmsle                           0.180219          0.170078
## Scoring History: 
##             timestamp   duration training_speed  epochs iterations      samples
## 1 2023-01-10 13:32:04  0.000 sec             NA 0.00000          0     0.000000
## 2 2023-01-10 13:32:04  1.667 sec 185750 obs/sec 0.99987          1  7430.000000
## 3 2023-01-10 13:32:04  1.733 sec 161521 obs/sec 1.99973          2 14860.000000
## 4 2023-01-10 13:32:04  1.792 sec 181219 obs/sec 2.99960          3 22290.000000
## 5 2023-01-10 13:32:04  1.851 sec 182331 obs/sec 3.99946          4 29720.000000
##   training_rmse training_deviance training_mae training_r2 validation_rmse
## 1            NA                NA           NA          NA              NA
## 2  111900.60866 12521746218.09240  85453.10174     0.74072    113626.92490
## 3  103044.27342 10618122285.17790  78012.78840     0.78014    105475.47359
## 4   97281.07529  9463607608.97792  74324.31731     0.80405     98719.14975
## 5   93702.20793  8780103770.60916  71072.62585     0.81820     96011.46006
##   validation_deviance validation_mae validation_r2
## 1                  NA             NA            NA
## 2   12911078061.14120    86167.85005       0.73013
## 3   11125075528.47190    79630.14778       0.76746
## 4    9745470526.50355    75238.10133       0.79630
## 5    9218200462.01838    72446.87741       0.80732
## ---
##              timestamp   duration training_speed   epochs iterations
## 18 2023-01-10 13:32:04  2.599 sec 178403 obs/sec 16.99771         17
## 19 2023-01-10 13:32:05  2.650 sec 178796 obs/sec 17.99758         18
## 20 2023-01-10 13:32:05  2.717 sec 175584 obs/sec 18.99744         19
## 21 2023-01-10 13:32:05  2.784 sec 174004 obs/sec 19.99731         20
## 22 2023-01-10 13:32:05  2.846 sec 173559 obs/sec 20.99717         21
## 23 2023-01-10 13:32:05  2.909 sec 173156 obs/sec 21.99704         22
##          samples training_rmse training_deviance training_mae training_r2
## 18 126310.000000   86753.60745  7526188405.73467  64863.46409     0.84416
## 19 133740.000000   87265.91429  7615339797.56562  65934.43797     0.84232
## 20 141170.000000   86959.81652  7562009688.62726  65444.78957     0.84342
## 21 148600.000000   86020.28215  7399488941.17396  64266.19080     0.84679
## 22 156030.000000   85776.29770  7357573246.33183  64412.67166     0.84765
## 23 163460.000000   86181.38504  7427231127.26192  65021.90508     0.84621
##    validation_rmse validation_deviance validation_mae validation_r2
## 18     89779.10349    8060287423.47265    66510.49690       0.83152
## 19     89423.41453    7996547066.25219    67223.63646       0.83285
## 20     89042.16286    7928506767.46206    66680.93762       0.83428
## 21     88808.18336    7886893431.44054    65861.39424       0.83515
## 22     88373.48872    7809873509.38404    65963.59486       0.83676
## 23     88618.87274    7853304605.42179    66306.81543       0.83585
## Variable Importances: (Extract with `h2o.varimp`) 
## =================================================
## Variable Importances: 
##   variable relative_importance scaled_importance percentage
## 1     Ward            1.000000          1.000000   0.047456
## 2 OldCity1            0.997149          0.997149   0.047321
## 3    Ward5            0.940307          0.940307   0.044623
## 4       NE            0.737750          0.737750   0.035011
## 5    Ward3            0.648867          0.648867   0.030793
## ---
##        variable relative_importance scaled_importance percentage
## 78      TownEnd            0.005639          0.005639   0.000268
## 79      Berkley            0.005054          0.005054   0.000240
## 80     Garfield            0.004678          0.004678   0.000222
## 81 SpringValley            0.004343          0.004343   0.000206
## 82      Foxhall            0.004144          0.004144   0.000197
## 83  Centraltri1            0.004132          0.004132   0.000196

Variable Importance

The plot below shows the top ten variables in order of importance.

# plot the first 10 important variables
h2o.varimp_plot(dl_DC_Properties1, 10) 

# Retrieve the variable importance
varimp <- h2o.varimp(dl_DC_Properties1)
top_10 <- varimp[1:10, ] # for data exploration
top_20 <- varimp[1:20, ] # top 20 variables for subsequent modeling
top20_var <- top_20$variable
print(top_10) # print the top 10 variables and their respective importance
## Variable Importances: 
##       variable relative_importance scaled_importance percentage
## 1         Ward            1.000000          1.000000   0.047456
## 2     OldCity1            0.997149          0.997149   0.047321
## 3        Ward5            0.940307          0.940307   0.044623
## 4           NE            0.737750          0.737750   0.035011
## 5        Ward3            0.648867          0.648867   0.030793
## 6    BATHROOMS            0.630164          0.630164   0.029905
## 7     Deanwood            0.600314          0.600314   0.028488
## 8        Ward4            0.591374          0.591374   0.028064
## 9     OldCity2            0.577693          0.577693   0.027415
## 10 CapitolHill            0.574072          0.574072   0.027243

Additional Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

The 20 most important variables will be taken into consideration, but scatter plots on the full dataset (not training) are created only for columns with quantitative and continuous values. Price vs. rooms and price vs. bathrooms both exhibit low correlations (r=0.16, and r=-0.21, respectively). There is not much to conclude here.

x5 = housing$ROOMS; y5 = housing$PRICE
corrplot5 <- ggplot(housing, aes(x = x5, y = y5)) +
                    ggtitle('Price vs. Rooms') +
                    xlab('Rooms') + ylab('Price') +
                    geom_point(pch = 1) +
                    geom_smooth(method = 'lm', se = FALSE) +
                    theme_classic() +
                    # Add correlation coefficient
                    stat_cor(method = 'pearson', label.x = 3, label.y = 30)
x6 = housing$BATHROOM; y6 = housing$PRICE
corrplot6 <- ggplot(housing, aes(x = x6, y = y6)) +
                    ggtitle('Price vs. Bathrooms') +
                    xlab('Bathrooms') +
                    ylab('Price') + 
                    geom_point(pch = 1) +
                    geom_smooth(method = 'lm', se = FALSE) +
                    theme_classic() +
                    # Add correlation coefficient
                    stat_cor(method = 'pearson', label.x = 0.5, label.y = 30)
plot_grid(corrplot5, corrplot6, labels='AUTO', ncol = 2, align = 'v')
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

Correlation Matrix

Since we have already determined and omitted the highly correlated predictors from the main dataframe, this is just another sanity check to confirm that no more of them exist.

# create list from top 10 variables
list <- c(top_10['variable']) 
# subset top 10 variables into new df
top_ten_housing <- housing[c(top_10[, 'variable'])]
# create a correlation matrix between all variables
multicollinearity(top_ten_housing, = 45, tl.offset = 1, number.cex = 0.7, 
                  tl.cex = 0.8) # call the multicollinearity function

##  There are 0 highly correlated predictors. 
##  The following variables should be omitted: 


Re-estimate The Deep Neural Network

dl_DC_Properties2 <- h2o.deeplearning(y = 'PRICE', x = c(top20_var),
                                      training_frame = train_data,
                                      validation_frame = test_data,
                                      activation = 'Tanh',
                                      # hidden_layer, node
                                      epochs = 1000, hidden = c(2,2),
                                      standardize = TRUE, l1 = 0.0001,
                                      l2 = 0.01, adaptive_rate = TRUE,
                                      variable_importances = TRUE,
                                      nfolds = 3, reproducible = TRUE,
                                      seed = 222)

The model is re-trained with the top 20 features over the same hyperparameters as the original model.There exists a narrower gap between the training and validation MAE scores over roughly the first twenty epochs. However, the gap progressively widens.

# training and test loss plotted
plot(dl_DC_Properties2, metric = 'mae') 

summary(dl_DC_Properties2) # print out model summary information and statistics
## Model Details:
## ==============
## H2ORegressionModel: deeplearning
## Model Key:  DeepLearning_model_R_1673371977003_69 
## Status of Neuron Layers: predicting PRICE, regression, gaussian distribution, Quadratic loss, 51 weights/biases, 8.6 KB, 334,350 training samples, mini-batch size 1
##   layer units   type dropout       l1       l2 mean_rate rate_rms momentum
## 1     1    20  Input  0.00 %       NA       NA        NA       NA       NA
## 2     2     2   Tanh  0.00 % 0.000100 0.010000  0.000686 0.000399 0.000000
## 3     3     2   Tanh  0.00 % 0.000100 0.010000  0.000833 0.000008 0.000000
## 4     4     1 Linear      NA 0.000100 0.010000  0.001650 0.000005 0.000000
##   mean_weight weight_rms mean_bias bias_rms
## 1          NA         NA        NA       NA
## 2    0.057244   0.190851 -0.148886 0.275054
## 3   -0.001733   0.607373 -0.013848 0.267461
## 4    0.028742   0.999523  0.069607 0.000000
## H2ORegressionMetrics: deeplearning
## ** Reported on training data. **
## ** Metrics reported on full training frame **
## MSE:  10655045164
## RMSE:  103223.3
## MAE:  79867.15
## RMSLE:  0.1955951
## Mean Residual Deviance :  10655045164
## H2ORegressionMetrics: deeplearning
## ** Reported on validation data. **
## ** Metrics reported on full validation frame **
## MSE:  11110356183
## RMSE:  105405.7
## MAE:  81295.32
## RMSLE:  0.1959436
## Mean Residual Deviance :  11110356183
## H2ORegressionMetrics: deeplearning
## ** Reported on cross-validation data. **
## ** 3-fold cross-validation on training data (Metrics computed for combined holdout predictions) **
## MSE:  10890702822
## RMSE:  104358.5
## MAE:  80606.33
## RMSLE:  0.197543
## Mean Residual Deviance :  10890702822
## Cross-Validation Metrics Summary: 
##                                      mean               sd         cv_1_valid
## mae                          80592.900000      1501.663800       82171.290000
## mean_residual_deviance 10883968000.000000 755226050.000000 11654747000.000000
## mse                    10883968000.000000 755226050.000000 11654747000.000000
## r2                               0.774647         0.014101           0.761102
## residual_deviance      10883968000.000000 755226050.000000 11654747000.000000
## rmse                        104284.430000      3617.892800      107957.150000
## rmsle                            0.197479         0.004573           0.199455
##                                cv_2_valid         cv_3_valid
## mae                          80425.390000       79182.010000
## mean_residual_deviance 10851839000.000000 10145320000.000000
## mse                    10851839000.000000 10145320000.000000
## r2                               0.773592           0.789245
## residual_deviance      10851839000.000000 10145320000.000000
## rmse                        104172.160000      100723.980000
## rmsle                            0.200732           0.192250
## Scoring History: 
##             timestamp   duration  training_speed  epochs iterations
## 1 2023-01-10 13:32:10  0.000 sec              NA 0.00000          0
## 2 2023-01-10 13:32:10  1.202 sec  825555 obs/sec 0.99987          1
## 3 2023-01-10 13:32:10  1.218 sec 1651111 obs/sec 1.99973          2
## 4 2023-01-10 13:32:10  1.238 sec 2476666 obs/sec 2.99960          3
## 5 2023-01-10 13:32:10  1.255 sec 1651111 obs/sec 3.99946          4
##        samples training_rmse training_deviance training_mae training_r2
## 1     0.000000            NA                NA           NA          NA
## 2  7430.000000  131101.74035 17187666323.07530 103539.52097     0.64411
## 3 14860.000000  117296.62690 13758498682.32820  91639.25962     0.71512
## 4 22290.000000  111555.19233 12444560934.93030  86655.73163     0.74232
## 5 29720.000000  109557.40905 12002825877.10340  85362.54067     0.75147
##   validation_rmse validation_deviance validation_mae validation_r2
## 1              NA                  NA             NA            NA
## 2    129690.36639   16819591134.95510   102199.70213       0.64843
## 3    117579.06910   13824837490.25290    91101.51819       0.71103
## 4    111750.24699   12488117702.82970    86064.08998       0.73897
## 5    110532.01805   12217327013.17350    85494.73427       0.74463
## ---
##              timestamp   duration training_speed   epochs iterations
## 41 2023-01-10 13:32:11  1.922 sec 839548 obs/sec 39.99462         40
## 42 2023-01-10 13:32:11  1.940 sec 836895 obs/sec 40.99448         41
## 43 2023-01-10 13:32:11  1.957 sec 836622 obs/sec 41.99435         42
## 44 2023-01-10 13:32:11  1.970 sec 834177 obs/sec 42.99421         43
## 45 2023-01-10 13:32:11  1.992 sec 823476 obs/sec 43.99408         44
## 46 2023-01-10 13:32:11  2.010 sec 821498 obs/sec 44.99394         45
##          samples training_rmse training_deviance training_mae training_r2
## 41 297200.000000  103526.05014 10717643057.66250  80019.56064     0.77808
## 42 304630.000000  102980.49293 10604981924.70570  79506.18557     0.78041
## 43 312060.000000  103542.99972 10721152791.59510  80189.66761     0.77801
## 44 319490.000000  103053.44083 10620011667.13630  79686.77474     0.78010
## 45 326920.000000  102897.54376 10587904511.65240  79640.13393     0.78077
## 46 334350.000000  103223.27821 10655045163.96270  79867.15344     0.77938
##    validation_rmse validation_deviance validation_mae validation_r2
## 41    105269.39612   11081645759.40230    81021.90430       0.76837
## 42    105082.38687   11042308030.83790    80794.58883       0.76919
## 43    105606.96012   11152830025.88180    81368.53791       0.76688
## 44    105153.07290   11057168741.26300    80918.63199       0.76888
## 45    105153.34864   11057226729.88920    81027.78707       0.76888
## 46    105405.67434   11110356183.44890    81295.31934       0.76777
## Variable Importances: (Extract with `h2o.varimp`) 
## =================================================
## Variable Importances: 
##           variable relative_importance scaled_importance percentage
## 1             Ward            1.000000          1.000000   0.162422
## 2              EYB            0.584610          0.584610   0.094954
## 3         OldCity1            0.581093          0.581093   0.094382
## 4        BATHROOMS            0.456646          0.456646   0.074170
## 5               NE            0.403440          0.403440   0.065528
## 6            Ward4            0.322812          0.322812   0.052432
## 7      CapitolHill            0.273834          0.273834   0.044477
## 8            Ward7            0.268182          0.268182   0.043559
## 9         LANDAREA            0.250221          0.250221   0.040641
## 10        OldCity2            0.237900          0.237900   0.038640
## 11 CongressHeights            0.221452          0.221452   0.035969
## 12       RowInside            0.216636          0.216636   0.035187
## 13        Deanwood            0.206530          0.206530   0.033545
## 14          RowEnd            0.198102          0.198102   0.032176
## 15      FIREPLACES            0.194298          0.194298   0.031558
## 16           Ward3            0.185223          0.185223   0.030084
## 17        YearSold            0.178580          0.178580   0.029005
## 18       RiggsPark            0.165993          0.165993   0.026961
## 19       Eckington            0.108953          0.108953   0.017696
## 20           Ward5            0.102287          0.102287   0.016614


# Predict outputs on the test set
predictions <- h2o.predict(dl_DC_Properties2, test_data)

# print the predictions

LIME Analysis

# Create data set for analysis with LIME
# Pick 5 indices from the training set
for_lime <- sample(1:nrow(housing[ind, ]), 5)
data_for_lime <- housing[for_lime, ]

Fit Deep Neural Network

The same model is used, only this time without cross-validation. Results are the same.

dl_DC_Properties3 <- h2o.deeplearning(y = 'PRICE', x = c(top20_var),
                                      training_frame = train_data,
                                      validation_frame = test_data,
                                      activation = 'Tanh',
                                      # hidden_layer, node
                                      epochs = 1000, hidden = c(2,2),
                                      standardize = TRUE, l1 = 0.0001,
                                      l2 = 0.015, adaptive_rate = TRUE,
                                      variable_importances = TRUE,
                                      reproducible = TRUE,
                                      seed = 222)
plot(dl_DC_Properties3, metric = 'mae') # training and test loss plotted

summary(dl_DC_Properties3) # print out model summary information and statistics
## Model Details:
## ==============
## H2ORegressionModel: deeplearning
## Model Key:  DeepLearning_model_R_1673371977003_70 
## Status of Neuron Layers: predicting PRICE, regression, gaussian distribution, Quadratic loss, 51 weights/biases, 8.6 KB, 319,490 training samples, mini-batch size 1
##   layer units   type dropout       l1       l2 mean_rate rate_rms momentum
## 1     1    20  Input  0.00 %       NA       NA        NA       NA       NA
## 2     2     2   Tanh  0.00 % 0.000100 0.015000  0.000654 0.000377 0.000000
## 3     3     2   Tanh  0.00 % 0.000100 0.015000  0.000859 0.000025 0.000000
## 4     4     1 Linear      NA 0.000100 0.015000  0.001490 0.000005 0.000000
##   mean_weight weight_rms mean_bias bias_rms
## 1          NA         NA        NA       NA
## 2    0.051512   0.176232 -0.134090 0.161091
## 3   -0.008659   0.573687 -0.008806 0.185086
## 4    0.031357   0.971660  0.042558 0.000000
## H2ORegressionMetrics: deeplearning
## ** Reported on training data. **
## ** Metrics reported on full training frame **
## MSE:  10864716184
## RMSE:  104233.9
## MAE:  80587.15
## RMSLE:  0.1974277
## Mean Residual Deviance :  10864716184
## H2ORegressionMetrics: deeplearning
## ** Reported on validation data. **
## ** Metrics reported on full validation frame **
## MSE:  11077810850
## RMSE:  105251.2
## MAE:  81200.46
## RMSLE:  0.1954749
## Mean Residual Deviance :  11077810850
## Scoring History: 
##             timestamp   duration training_speed  epochs iterations      samples
## 1 2023-01-10 13:32:14  0.000 sec             NA 0.00000          0     0.000000
## 2 2023-01-10 13:32:14  0.015 sec 743000 obs/sec 0.99987          1  7430.000000
## 3 2023-01-10 13:32:14  0.041 sec 530714 obs/sec 1.99973          2 14860.000000
## 4 2023-01-10 13:32:14  0.057 sec 602432 obs/sec 2.99960          3 22290.000000
## 5 2023-01-10 13:32:14  0.074 sec 646086 obs/sec 3.99946          4 29720.000000
##   training_rmse training_deviance training_mae training_r2 validation_rmse
## 1            NA                NA           NA          NA              NA
## 2  130438.84559 17014292437.87010 103013.26518     0.64770    129212.06931
## 3  116249.77480 13514010140.80310  90774.54533     0.72018    116647.76429
## 4  110834.02937 12284182066.27530  86135.45921     0.74564    111155.71826
## 5  109140.06266 11911553276.78410  85110.87067     0.75336    110220.58971
##   validation_deviance validation_mae validation_r2
## 1                  NA             NA            NA
## 2   16695758855.17500   101768.92527       0.65102
## 3   13606700913.63990    90326.33648       0.71559
## 4   12355593701.10310    85618.54833       0.74174
## 5   12148578395.25880    85402.99013       0.74607
## ---
##              timestamp   duration training_speed   epochs iterations
## 40 2023-01-10 13:32:15  0.682 sec 748759 obs/sec 38.99475         39
## 41 2023-01-10 13:32:15  0.698 sec 767958 obs/sec 39.99462         40
## 42 2023-01-10 13:32:15  0.720 sec 787157 obs/sec 40.99448         41
## 43 2023-01-10 13:32:15  0.738 sec 788030 obs/sec 41.99435         42
## 44 2023-01-10 13:32:15  0.755 sec 790816 obs/sec 42.99421         43
## 45 2023-01-10 13:32:15  0.764 sec 790816 obs/sec 42.99421         43
##          samples training_rmse training_deviance training_mae training_r2
## 40 289770.000000  105220.12055 11071273769.51410  81061.99058     0.77076
## 41 297200.000000  104389.18853 10897102681.57010  80718.34259     0.77436
## 42 304630.000000  103832.97921 10781287571.97970  80243.53228     0.77676
## 43 312060.000000  104430.70581 10905772315.49290  80927.62914     0.77418
## 44 319490.000000  103918.21642 10798995704.28610  80421.38818     0.77640
## 45 319490.000000  104233.94929 10864716184.01100  80587.14536     0.77503
##    validation_rmse validation_deviance validation_mae validation_r2
## 40    106419.40520   11325089803.97820    81555.89417       0.76328
## 41    105570.88730   11145212245.84690    81321.39545       0.76704
## 42    105322.69711   11092870527.35350    81118.83117       0.76813
## 43    105959.28220   11227369483.52110    81745.39202       0.76532
## 44    105418.06848   11112969162.70990    81231.02431       0.76771
## 45    105251.17980   11077810849.98000    81200.45748       0.76845
## Variable Importances: (Extract with `h2o.varimp`) 
## =================================================
## Variable Importances: 
##           variable relative_importance scaled_importance percentage
## 1             Ward            1.000000          1.000000   0.152965
## 2         OldCity1            0.638545          0.638545   0.097675
## 3        BATHROOMS            0.581896          0.581896   0.089010
## 4               NE            0.445936          0.445936   0.068213
## 5              EYB            0.418147          0.418147   0.063962
## 6      CapitolHill            0.337646          0.337646   0.051648
## 7        RowInside            0.323545          0.323545   0.049491
## 8         LANDAREA            0.290953          0.290953   0.044506
## 9         OldCity2            0.289853          0.289853   0.044337
## 10           Ward3            0.265222          0.265222   0.040570
## 11           Ward7            0.255013          0.255013   0.039008
## 12      FIREPLACES            0.248743          0.248743   0.038049
## 13 CongressHeights            0.237316          0.237316   0.036301
## 14           Ward4            0.232625          0.232625   0.035583
## 15        Deanwood            0.201429          0.201429   0.030812
## 16        YearSold            0.200445          0.200445   0.030661
## 17       RiggsPark            0.188013          0.188013   0.028759
## 18          RowEnd            0.173127          0.173127   0.026482
## 19       Eckington            0.130757          0.130757   0.020001
## 20           Ward5            0.078222          0.078222   0.011965
# Convert data_for_lime into an h2o data frame
predict_data_for_lime <- as.h2o(data_for_lime)
# Compute predictions with estimated neural network for the lime dataset
predictionsforlime <- h2o.predict(dl_DC_Properties3, predict_data_for_lime)

# Use lime to analyze the predictions
explainer_price <- lime(data_for_lime, dl_DC_Properties3)
explanation <- explain(data_for_lime, explainer_price, n_labels = 2,
                       n_features = 4)
# print explanation output
pandoc.table(explanation[c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11)], style = 'simple', 
             split.table = Inf) 
##  case   model_r2   model_intercept   model_prediction    feature     prediction 
## ------ ---------- ----------------- ------------------ ------------ ------------
##  5009    0.6843        517791             513531           Ward        617066   
##  5009    0.6843        517791             513531        BATHROOMS      617066   
##  5009    0.6843        517791             513531        FIREPLACES     617066   
##  5009    0.6843        517791             513531         LANDAREA      617066   
##  480     0.7096        729583             304552           Ward        253949   
##  480     0.7096        729583             304552        BATHROOMS      253949   
##  480     0.7096        729583             304552        FIREPLACES     253949   
##  480     0.7096        729583             304552         LANDAREA      253949   
##  7067    0.6472        430790             640012           Ward        628222   
##  7067    0.6472        430790             640012        BATHROOMS      628222   
##  7067    0.6472        430790             640012        FIREPLACES     628222   
##  7067    0.6472        430790             640012         LANDAREA      628222   
##  5089    0.664         418250             692433           Ward        568733   
##  5089    0.664         418250             692433        BATHROOMS      568733   
##  5089    0.664         418250             692433        FIREPLACES     568733   
##  5089    0.664         418250             692433         LANDAREA      568733   
##  4938    0.4334        401948             824680           Ward        824680   
##  4938    0.4334        401948             824680           EYB         824680   
##  4938    0.4334        401948             824680        BATHROOMS      824680   
##  4938    0.4334        401948             824680         YearSold      824680
pandoc.table(data_for_lime, style = 'simple') # table the data for lime analysis
Table continues below
5009 53918 1 2.5 1 6 4 1964
480 106567 0 1 1 6 2 1967
7067 64791 1 3.5 1 8 4 1967
5089 69466 1 3.5 1 6 3 1973
4938 65505 0 3 1 6 3 1947
Table continues below
  STORIES YearSold Month Winter Spring Summer PRICE
5009 2 2016 9 0 0 0 580000
480 2 2016 11 0 0 0 249900
7067 2 2015 4 0 1 0 720000
5089 2 2016 1 1 0 0 585000
4938 2 2016 11 0 0 0 575000
Table continues below
  GrossBuildingArea RowInside RowEnd SemiDetached TownEnd
5009 1840 1 0 0 0
480 832 1 0 0 0
7067 1974 1 0 0 0
5089 1278 0 0 1 0
4938 1403 0 1 0 0
Table continues below
5009 0 3 1 0 11
480 0 2 1 0 11
7067 0 2 1 0 11
5089 0 3 1 0 13
4938 0 2 1 4 11
Table continues below
  LANDAREA CongressHeights Deanwood RandleHeights
5009 1658 0 0 0
480 1541 1 0 0
7067 1680 0 0 0
5089 6200 0 0 0
4938 2926 0 0 0
Table continues below
  FortDupontPark MichiganPark MarshallHeights ColumbiaHeights
5009 0 0 0 0
480 0 0 0 0
7067 0 0 0 0
5089 0 0 0 0
4938 0 0 0 0
Table continues below
  Brookland Trinidad Hillcrest Burleith Anacostia LilyPonds
5009 0 0 0 0 0 0
480 0 0 0 0 0 0
7067 1 0 0 0 0 0
5089 0 0 0 0 0 0
4938 0 0 0 0 0 0
Table continues below
  BarryFarms Petworth Woodridge OldCity1 Brentwood
5009 0 1 0 0 0
480 0 0 0 0 0
7067 0 0 0 0 0
5089 0 0 0 0 0
4938 0 1 0 0 0
Table continues below
  Eckington MtPleasant FortLincoln RiggsPark
5009 0 0 0 0
480 0 0 0 0
7067 0 0 0 0
5089 0 0 0 1
4938 0 0 0 0
Table continues below
  StreetHeights16th OldCity2 TakomaPark Brightwood Chillum
5009 0 0 0 0 0
480 0 0 0 0 0
7067 0 0 0 0 0
5089 0 0 0 0 0
4938 0 0 0 0 0
Table continues below
  CapitolHill LedroitPark ChevyChase ShepherdHeights
5009 0 0 0 0
480 0 0 0 0
7067 0 0 0 0
5089 0 0 0 0
4938 0 0 0 0
Table continues below
  Georgetown AmericanUniversity FoggyBottom Kent
5009 0 0 0 0
480 0 0 0 0
7067 0 0 0 0
5089 0 0 0 0
4938 0 0 0 0
Table continues below
  WesleyHeights Palisades GloverPark Crestwood ClevelandPark
5009 0 0 0 0 0
480 0 0 0 0 0
7067 0 0 0 0 0
5089 0 0 0 0 0
4938 0 0 0 0 0
Table continues below
  ColonialVillage SouthwestWaterfront Foxhall
5009 0 0 0
480 0 0 0
7067 0 0 0
5089 0 0 0
4938 0 0 0
Table continues below
  NorthClevelandPark Hawthorne SpringValley Wakefield
5009 0 0 0 0
480 0 0 0 0
7067 0 0 0 0
5089 0 0 0 0
4938 0 0 0 0
Table continues below
  Centraltri1 Berkley Garfield ForestHills ObservatoryCircle
5009 0 0 0 0 0
480 0 0 0 0 0
7067 0 0 0 0 0
5089 0 0 0 0 0
4938 0 0 0 0 0
  CENSUS_TRACT Ward Ward2 Ward3 Ward4 Ward5 Ward7 NE SW
5009 2201 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
480 9807 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
7067 9203 5 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
5089 9508 5 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
4938 2102 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

Five random features explain the model’s fit with a mean of 63%.

# Visualize the lime output
plot_features(explanation, ncol = 1) 


Using only the top 20 input features and the LIME package library, a substantial amount of variation is explained by the data according to the \(R^2\) values - the highest of which is 0.71, but starts off as 0.68, and then increases, but decreases in a step-wise pattern to .65, until it gradually drops off and reaches 0.43, a moderate amount of variation.

Moreover, the mean price prediction of $578,529.80 differs by only $19,528.26 from the actual mean housing price of $598,058.10. That is an almost negligible difference of approximately 3%, so the model predicted well.

price_prediction <-$prediction)
price_prediction <- as.numeric(unlist(price_prediction))
cat('\n', 'Mean Price Prediction:', mean(price_prediction),
    '\n', 'Mean Home Price:', mean(housing$PRICE, na.rm = TRUE),
    '\n', 'Difference:', mean(housing$PRICE, na.rm = TRUE) 
                       - mean(price_prediction),
    '\n', '% Difference:', 1 - mean(price_prediction)/mean(housing$PRICE, 
                                                         na.rm = TRUE))
##  Mean Price Prediction: 578529.8 
##  Mean Home Price: 598058.1 
##  Difference: 19528.26 
##  % Difference: 0.03265278
plot(explanation$model_r2, main = 'Predictions: R-Squared', xlab = 'Index',
     ylab = 'R-Squared') # plot the model explanation