Supervised Learning Techniques in R
R Source Code by Leonid Shpaner
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################################################################################ ################################ Part One ###################################### ############################ Building A Model ################################## ################################################################################ # function for loading necessary libraries and installing them if they have not # yet been installed pack <- function(lib){ new.lib <- lib[!(lib %in% installed.packages()[, 'Package'])] if (length(new.lib)) install.packages(new.lib, dependencies = TRUE) sapply(lib, require, character.only = TRUE) } packages <- c('partykit', 'e1071', 'caret', 'corrplot', 'MASS', 'car', 'DT', 'ggplot2', 'cowplot', 'ggpubr', 'rms', 'pander', 'ROCR', 'pROC') pack(packages) # run function # set working directory by concatenating long string string1 <- 'C:/Users/lshpaner/OneDrive/Cornell University/Coursework' string2 <- '/Data Science Certificate Program/CEEM585 ' string3 <- '- Supervised Learning Techniques' # concatenate each string working_dir = paste(string1, string2, string3, sep = '') # set the working directory by calling function setwd(working_dir) # confirm working directory getwd() # In this part of the project, you will focus on building a model to # understand who might make a good product technician if hired using linear # discriminate analysis logit and ordered logit modeling. The data set you will # be using is in the file HRdata2groups.csv, contained in the RStudio instance. # 1. The four performance scores in PerfScore have been mapped into two new # categories of Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory under the heading of # CollapseScore. Assume that levels 1 and 2 are unacceptable and levels 3 and 4 # are acceptable. Build a linear discriminant analysis using regression with # these two categories as the dependent variable. The purpose of this question # is for you to examine the independent variables and conclude which one to # include in the regression model. Several are not useful. Remember that when we # do this, only the coefficients in the model are useful. You may use the # function lm() which has the syntax lm(dependent variable ~ independent # variable 1+ independent variable 2+…, data=frame). This function is part of # the package caret: hence you will need to use the command library(caret). # Notice that you have a several variables that might be used as independent # variables. You should pick the variables to include based on how effective # they are at explaining the variability in the dependent variable as well as # which variables might be available should you need to use this model to # determine if a candidate is likely to make a good employee. You may assume # that the verbal and mechanical scores will be available at the point where a # decision about hiring is to be made. In this question, please give us the # linear discriminate model you have developed. # read in the data hr_data <- read.csv('HRdata2groups.csv') # Adding column based on other column: # inspect first five rows of the dataset datatable(hr_data) # cast categorical classes to Performance Score hr_data$CollapseScore <- ifelse(hr_data$PerfScoreID >= 3, 'Acceptable', 'Unacceptable') # numerically binarize these performance scores hr_data$Score <- ifelse(hr_data$CollapseScore == 'Acceptable', 1, 0) datatable(hr_data, options = list(scrollX = TRUE)) # extract meaningful data (i.e., remove categorical data types) hr_data_numeric <- subset(hr_data, select = -c(EmpID, CollapseScore, Score)) # create function for plotting histograms to check for near-zero variance # in distributions where input `df` is a dataframe of interest nearzerohist <- function(df, x, y) { # x rows by y columns & adjust margins par(mfrow = c(x, y), mar = c(4, 4, 4, 0)) for (i in 1:ncol(df)){ hist(df[, i], xlab = names(df[i]), main = paste(names(df[i]), ''), col = 'gray18') } # check for near zero variance predictors using if-else statement nearzero_names <- nearZeroVar(df) if (length(nearzero_names) == 0) { print('There are no near-zero variance predictors.') } else { cat('The following near-zero variance predictors exist:', print(nearzero_names)) } } # call the `nearzerohist()` function nearzerohist(hr_data_numeric, x = 2, y = 3) # function for generating class balance table and barplot # inputs --> feat: feature or column of interest # title: plot title # x: x-axis label # y: y-axis label class_balance <- function(feat, title, x, y) { # check target column's class balance # parse target variable into table showcasing class distribution feat_table <- table(unname(feat)) # generate table for column # fix plot margins par(mar = c (2, 2, 2, 1)) # plot the counts (values) of each respective class on barplot barplot(feat_table, main = title, space = c(0), horiz = FALSE, names.arg = c(x, y), col = c('cornflowerblue', 'brown2')) return (feat_table) } class_balance(feat = hr_data$CollapseScore, title = 'HR by Class', x = 'Acceptable', y = 'Unacceptable') # 2. Explain the variables you decided to use in the model # described above and why. # create function to plot correlation matrix and establish multicollinearity # takes one input (df) to pass in dataframe of interest multicollinearity <- function(df) { # Examine between predictor correlations/multicollinearity corr <- cor(df, use = 'pairwise.complete.obs') corrplot(corr, mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), method = 'color', col = colorRampPalette(c('#FC0320', '#FFFFFF', '#FF0000'))(100), addCoef.col = 'black', = 45, tl.col = 'black', type = 'lower') # assign variable to count how many highly correlated # variables there exist based on 0.75 threshold highCorr <- findCorrelation(corr, cutoff = 0.75) # find correlated names highCorr_names <- findCorrelation(corr, cutoff = 0.75, names = TRUE) cat(' The following variables should be omitted:', paste('\n', unlist(highCorr_names))) } # determine multicollinearity multicollinearity(hr_data[c(1:7)]) # use generalized linear model to determine confirm multicollinearity w/ VIF model_all <- lm(Score ~ . - CollapseScore, data = hr_data) # remove CollapseScore # since it is target # and we are only interested in comparing between-predictor relationships # use car library to extract VIF and parse it into a pandoc table using the # linear model as a proxy for analysis pandoc.table(vif(model_all), style = 'simple', split.table = Inf) # create vector of VIF values for plotting vif_values <- vif(model_all) par(mar = c(7.5, 2, 1, 1)) # fix plot margins # create column chart to display each VIF value barplot(vif_values, main = 'VIF Values', horiz = FALSE, col = 'steelblue', las = 2) # add vertical line at 5 as after 5 there is severe correlation abline(h = 5, lwd = 3, lty = 2) # create average score since result of both scores creates multicollinearity hr_data$Aptitude <- rowMeans(hr_data[, c(6, 7)], na.rm = TRUE) # create a final dataframe with selected columns of interest for modeling hr_data_final <- hr_data[, c(3, 5, 8, 9, 10)] # Re-examine between predictor correlations/multicollinearity highCorr <- findCorrelation(cor(hr_data_final[c(1, 2, 5)]), cutoff = 0.75, names = TRUE) cat(' The following variables should be omitted:', paste('\n', unlist(highCorr))) # create function for plotting correlations between variables # inputs: xvar: independent variable, yvar: dependent variable, # title: plot title, xlab: x-axis label, ylab: y-axis label correl_plot <- function(df, xvar, yvar, title, xlab, ylab) { ggplot(df, aes(x = xvar, y = yvar)) + ggtitle(title) + xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab) + geom_point(pch = 1) + ylim(0, 1.25) + geom_smooth(method = 'lm', se = FALSE) + theme_classic() + stat_cor(method = 'pearson', label.x = 0.15, label.y = 0.20) # correl coeff. } # create three correlation plots on same grid plot1 <- correl_plot(hr_data_final, xvar = hr_data_final$EmpStatusID, yvar = hr_data_final$Score, title = 'Score vs. EmpStatusID', xlab = 'EmpStatusID', ylab = 'Score') plot2 <- correl_plot(hr_data_final, xvar = hr_data_final$EmpSatisfaction, yvar = hr_data_final$Score, title = 'Score vs. EmpSatisfaction', xlab = 'EmpSatisfaction', ylab = 'Score') plot3 <- correl_plot(hr_data_final, xvar = hr_data_final$Aptitude, yvar = hr_data_final$Score, title = 'Score vs. Aptitude', xlab = 'Aptitude', ylab = 'Score') # plot all correlations together plot_grid(plot1, plot2, plot3, labels = 'AUTO', ncol = 3, align = '') par(mar = c(4, 2, 0, 0)) # fix plot margins # Fit the Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) model lda_fit <- lda(Score ~ EmpStatusID + EmpSatisfaction + Aptitude, data = hr_data_final); lda_fit plot(lda_fit) # plot the lda model # 3. The regression model can be used to classify each of the individuals in the # dataset. As discussed in the videos, you will need to find the cutoff value # for the regression value that separates the unsatisfactory performers from the # satisfactory performers. Find this value and determine whether individual 5 is # predicted to be satisfactory or not. # Fit a regression model reg_model <- lm(Score ~ EmpStatusID + EmpSatisfaction + Aptitude, data = hr_data_final) # stores the predicted values from the regression function into the variable # pred when the regression model has been assigned to the variable reg_model pred <- predict(reg_model, hr_data_final) # find the mean value of the regression for all observations of unsatisfactory # and satisfactory employees meanunsat <- mean(pred[hr_data_final$Score == 0]) meansat <- mean(pred[hr_data_final$Score == 1]) cat(' Mean of Satisfactory Results =', meansat, '\n', 'Mean of Unsatisfactory Results =', meanunsat, '\n') # determine the cutoff value cutoff <- 0.5*(meanunsat + meansat) cat(' Cutoff Value =', cutoff) cbind_hrdatafinal <- cbind(hr_data_final, pred) datatable(cbind_hrdatafinal) # 4. Construct a logit model using the two performance groups. Compare this # model and the discriminant analysis done in step 1. To construct the logit # model, use the function `lrm()` in the library rms. # Construct a logit model using the two performance groups logit <- lrm(Score ~ MechanicalApt + VerbalApt, data = hr_data); logit # Build an ordered logit model for the full four categories for performance ologit <- lrm(PerfScoreID ~ Termd + EmpStatusID + EmpSatisfaction, data = hr_data) ologit # probability that individual two is in each of the four performance categories pred_ologit <- predict(ologit, data = hr_data, type = 'fitted.ind') # inspect the dataframe pandoc.table(head(pred_ologit), style = 'grid', split.table = Inf, round = 4) # get predictions only for second individual individual2 <- pred_ologit[2, ]; cat('\n') par(mar = c(4, 4, 1, 1)) # fix plot margins plot(individual2, type = 'l', main = 'Predictions for Individual 2', xlab = 'Category', ylab = 'Probability') pandoc.table(individual2, style = 'simple', split.table = Inf, round = 4) ################################################################################ ################################ Part Two ###################################### ############## Using Naïve Bayes to Predict a Performance Score ################ ################################################################################ # In this part of the project, you will use naïve Bayes to predict a performance # score. This part continues the scenario from Part One and uses the same # modified version of the human resources data set available on the Kaggle # website. The data set you will be using is in the file `NaiveBayesHW.csv` # file. Over the course of this project, your task is to gain insight into who # might be a “high” performer if hired. # 1. Using only the mechanical aptitude score, use naïve Bayes to predict the # performance score for each employee. Professor Nozick discretized the # mechanical scores into four classes. Notice only three of four classes have # observations. This discretization is in the data file `NaiveBayesHW.csv`. The # function to create the model is `naiveBayes()`. naive_df <- read.csv('NaiveBayesHW.csv') # read in the dataset # inspect the dataset datatable(naive_df) # assign the naivebayes function to a new variable nbmodel <- naiveBayes(PerfScore ~ MechanicalApt, data = naive_df) print(nbmodel) # predict the naive bayes model # type = raw' specifies that R should return the probability that a point is in # each risk group. Not specifying a type would print the most likely category # that each point would fall into. pred_bayes <- predict(nbmodel, naive_df, type = 'raw') head(pred_bayes, 20) # inspect the first 10 rows # 2. Using this modeling approach, what is your assessment of the probability # that individual 10 will evolve into each of the four probability classes if # hired? This can be done using the model created above and the `pred()` # function. The arguments for that function are the model name, data and for # type use “raw”. This question is parallel to the Practice using Naïve Bayes # activity you completed in R. # table the probabilities of each respective class for the individual # get the 10th row only individual10 <- pred_bayes[10, ] # assign to a dataframe individual10 <- data.frame(individual10) # rename the column colnames(individual10) <- c('Probability') # show the table individual10 ################################################################################ ############################### Part Three ##################################### ####################### Building Classification Trees ########################## ################################################################################ # In this part of the project, you will build classification trees. This part # continues the scenario from Parts One and Two, as it uses the same modified # version of the human resources data set available on the Kaggle website. Use # the `HRdata4groups.csv` data set to predict each individual's performance # (Performance Score ID) using classification trees. In the space below, you # will explain the model you have developed and describe how well it performs. # 1. In the space below, explain the model you developed. It is sufficient to # use the function `ctree()` in R to accomplish this in the style of the codio # exercise Practice: Building a Classification Tree in R—Small Example. hrdata_groups <- read.csv('HRdata4groups.csv') # read in the dataset # inspect the first five rows of the dataset datatable(hrdata_groups, options = list(scrollX = TRUE)) str(hrdata_groups) # print out the structure of the dataframe # Examine between predictor correlations/multicollinearity highCorr <- findCorrelation(cor(hrdata_groups[c(-2)]), cutoff = 0.75, names = TRUE) cat(' The following variables should be omitted: \n', paste(unlist(highCorr))) # create aptitude from averaged MechanicalApt and VerbalApt scores hrdata_groups$Aptitude <- rowMeans(hrdata_groups[, c(9, 10)], na.rm = TRUE) # mechanical aptitude, and verbal aptitude are omitted hrgroups_final <- hrdata_groups[, c(-9, -10)] # finalize dataframe for modeling # Re-examine between predictor correlations/multicollinearity highCorr <- findCorrelation(cor(hrgroups_final[, c(-2)]), cutoff = 0.75, names = TRUE) cat(' The following variables should be omitted:', '\n', paste(unlist(highCorr))) # build the classification tree ctout <- ctree(PerfScoreID ~ ., data = hrgroups_final) ctout # predict the performance score based on all input features of final df ctpred <- predict(ctout, hrgroups_final) # Check the percentage of time that the classification tree correctly classifies # a data point cat('Correct Classification of Data Point:', mean(ctpred == hrgroups_final$PerfScoreID)) plot(ctout) # plot the classification tree # 2. In the space below, describe how well your model performs. ################################################################################ ############################### Part Four ###################################### ####################### Building Classification Trees ########################## ################################################################################ # In this part of the project, you will apply SVM to a data set. The RStudio # instance contains the file `acquisitionacceptanceSVM.csv`, which includes # information about whether or not homeowners accepted a government offer to # purchase their home. # 1. Apply the tool SVM to the acquisition data set in the CSV file # `acquisitionacceptanceSVM.csv` to predict which homeowners will most likely # accept the government’s offer. What variables did you choose to use in your # analysis? acquisition <- read.csv('acquisitionacceptanceSVM.csv') # read in the dataset # inspect the dataframe datatable(acquisition, options = list(scrollX = TRUE)) str(acquisition) # obtain the structure of the dataframe nearzerohist(acquisition[c(-12)], x = 4, y = 3) multicollinearity(acquisition) acquisition$Accept <- as.factor(acquisition$Accept) acquisition$Accept <- ifelse(acquisition$Accept == 1, 'Accept', 'Not Accept') acquisition$Accept <- as.factor(acquisition$Accept) set.seed(222) # set seed for reproducibility # Use 70% of dataset as training set and remaining 30% as testing set sample <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), nrow(acquisition), replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.7, 0.3)) train_acquisition <- acquisition[sample, ] # training set test_acquisition <- acquisition[!sample, ] # test set cat(' Training Dimensions:', dim(train_acquisition), '\n Testing Dimensions:', dim(test_acquisition), '\n', '\n Training Dimensions Percentage:', round(nrow(train_acquisition) / nrow(acquisition), 2), '\n Testing Dimensions Percentage:', round(nrow(test_acquisition) / nrow(acquisition), 2)) predictors <- train_acquisition[, c(-12)] # extract ind. var. from train set target <- train_acquisition[, c(12)] # extract dep. var. from train set target <- as.factor(target) # cast target as factor # Support Vector Machines via caret model_svm <- train(predictors, target, method = 'svmLinear', verbose = FALSE) # plot the variable importance svm_varimp <- varImp(object = model_svm) ggplot2::ggplot(varImp(object = model_svm)) + ggtitle('SVM - Variable Importance') + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) + theme_classic() + theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1, 1, 0, 0), 'cm')) + theme(axis.text = element_text(color = 'black'), axis.title = element_text(color = 'black')) train_df <- train_acquisition[, c(8, 11, 12)] test_df <- test_acquisition[, c(8, 11, 12)] # column names of df to confirm cols pandoc.table(colnames(train_df), type = 'simple') # tune the support vector machine, optimizing the hyperparameters # of gamma, cost, and epsilon set.seed (222) # set seed for reproducibility tune.out <- tune(svm, Accept ~ Price75 + Price125, data = train_df, ranges = list(cost = 10 ^ seq(-3, 3), kernel = c('linear', 'polynomial', 'radial'))) bestparam <- tune.out$best.parameters # best hyperparamaters bestmod <- tune.out$best.model # best model based on tuning parameters bestparam # print out the best hyperparamaters summary(tune.out) # Construct Soft Margin SVM acquisition_result <- svm(Accept ~ Price125 + Price75, kernel = 'linear', gamma = 0.001, cost = 0.01, epsilon = 0, data = train_df, decision.values = TRUE) print(acquisition_result) # Visualize the SVM decision boundary using only the training data using price75 # and price125 as features plot(acquisition_result, data = train_df) # create function for outputting a confusion matrix in a pandoc-style format # where inputs --> df1: model df # df2: dataset # feat: target column # x: H0 column (i.e., 'yes', 'accept' '1', etc.) # y: H1 column (i.e., 'no', 'not accept', '0', etc.) # custom_name: any string you want to pass into table name conf_matrix <- function (df1, df2, feat, x, y, custom_name) { prediction <- predict(df1, newdata = df2) # Evaluate the model on the training data and inspect first six rows pred_table <- table(prediction, feat) # print out pander-grid-style table with performance results metrics <- c(x, y) h0 <- c(pred_table[1], pred_table[2]) h1 <- c(pred_table[3], pred_table[4]) # create table as dataframe from above variables table <- data.frame(metrics, h0, h1) # change column names of table colnames(table) <- c('\n', x, y) table %>% pander(style = 'simple', justify = c('center'), caption = sprintf('Confusion Matrix for %s', custom_name)) } conf_matrix(df1 = acquisition_result, df2 = train_df, feat = train_df$Accept, x = 'Accept', y = 'Not Accept', custom_name = 'Train Set') conf_matrix(df1 = acquisition_result, df2 = test_df, feat = test_df$Accept, x = 'Accept', y = 'Not Accept', custom_name = 'Test Set') # # # # # create function for calculating model performance metrics that takes in the # following inputs --> df1: model df # df2: dataset # feat: target column # custom_name: any string you want to pass into table name # perf_metrics <- function(df1, df2, feat, custom_name) { prediction <- predict(df1, newdata = df2) # Evaluate the model on the training data and inspect first six rows df <- table(prediction, feat) tp <- df[1] # position of true positives tn <- df[4] # position of true negatives fp <- df[3] # position of false positives fn <- df[2] # position of false negatives # calculate model performance metrics accuracy <- round((tp + tn)/(tp + tn + fp + fn),2) # calculate accuracy spec <- round((tp) / (tp + fp),2) # calculate specificity (precision) sens <- round((tp) / (tp + fn),2) # calculate sensitivity (recall) f1 <- round((tp) / (tp+0.5*(fp+fn)),2) # calculate f1-score # print out pander-grid-style table with performance results metrics <- c('Accuracy', 'Specificity', 'Sensitivity', 'F1-Score') values <- c(accuracy, spec, sens, f1) table <- data.frame(Metric = metrics, Value = values) table %>% pander(style = 'simple', justify = c('center'), caption = sprintf('Performance Metrics for %s', custom_name)) } # call the `perf_metrics` function to establish performance metrics for train set perf_metrics(df1 = acquisition_result, df2 = train_df, feat = train_df$Accept, custom_name = 'Training Set') # call the `perf_metrics` function to establish performance metrics for test set perf_metrics(df1 = acquisition_result, df2 = test_df, feat = test_df$Accept, custom_name = 'Test Set') # 2. How good was your model at correctly predicting who would and who would not # accept the offer? test_prob <- predict(acquisition_result, test_df, type = 'decision') pr <-prediction(as.numeric(test_prob), as.numeric(test_df$Accept)) prf <- performance(pr, measure = 'tpr', x.measure = 'fpr') test_roc <- roc(test_df$Accept ~ as.numeric(test_prob), print.auc = TRUE) auc <- round(as.numeric(test_roc$auc), 2); par(mar = c (4, 4, 2, 1)) plot(prf, main = 'SVM ROC Curve', col = 'red', xlab = 'False Positive Rate', ylab = 'True Positive Rate') abline(0, 1, col = 'black', lty = 2, lwd = 1) legend(0.73, 0.2, legend = paste('AUC =', rev(auc)), lty = c(1), col = c('red')) # 3. When building models, we often use part of the data to estimate the model # and use the remainder for prediction. Why do we do this? It is not necessary # to do this for each of the problems above. It is essential to realize that you # will need to do this in practice. |