
Building on the previous section, let’s further breakdown the Enterprise Value formula.

EV=[t=1NFCFt(1+WACC)t+Terminal Value(1+WACC)N](1+WACC)0.5=[t=1NFCFt(1+EE+DRe+DE+DRd(1Tc))t+Terminal Value(1+EE+DRe+DE+DRd(1Tc))N]Use Excel's NPV function(1+EE+DRe+DE+DRd(1Tc))0.5)

The reason we take (1+WACC)0.5 is due to the underlying assumption that incoming cash flows continuously at any given year, and as such, it would be a misguided effort to calculate this value at year end.

Effectively, the formula breaks down to =NPV(rate, value range)*(1+WACC)0.5 in Excel.

Enterprise Value = $(77,382.24) <– =NPV(B5,D10:H10)*(1+B5)^0.5

Based upon the WACC we calculated in the previous section, we are going to create our valuation workbook as follows:

1 IMAX Corporation - Valuation Formula
2 Free cash flow (FCF) year ending 31 Dec. 2020 -23,708.00 <– =ProForma!I186
3 Growth rate of FCF, years 1-5 (optimistic) -4.95% <– =ProForma!I188
4 Long-term FCF growth rate (pessimistic) -71.35% <– =ProForma!I189
5 WACC 15.18% <– =WACC!B33*0.01
7 Year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Formula
8 FCF (Forecast) -$22,533.85 -$21,417.85 -$20,357.12 -$19,348.93 -$18,390.66 <– =G8(1+B$3)
9 Terminal value -$6,088.11 <– =H8*(1+B4)/(B5-B4)
10 Total -$22,533.85 -$21,417.85 -$20,357.12 -$19,348.93 -$24,478.77 <– =SUM(H8:H9)
12 Enterprise value -$77,382.24 <– =NPV(B5,D10:H10)*(1+B5)^0.5
13 Add back initial cash and marketable securities $317,379.00 <– =ProForma!I58
14 Subtract out 2020 financial liabilities $532,983.00 <– =ProForma!I122
15 Equity Value -$292,986.24 <– =B12+B13-B14
15 Per Share (1 million shares outstanding) -0.29 <– =B15/1000000

The reason why we have to re-forecast our long-term pessimistic growth rate is because if it is not less than the WACC, we will effectively calculate a terminal value of less than “0.” The company CANNOT reinvest beyond the discount rate (past 100%).

Terminal Value=FCFt(1+g)(WACCg);where t=5last year=5Terminal Value=(Last year of forecasted cash flow) x (1 + long term growth rate)WACC – long term growth rate

We will use the ROIC approach to:

  • compute normalized earnings and/or cash flow instantaneously
  • Map out the variables of these calculations and reference them back to the Pro Forma
  • Estimate pessimistic cash flows
  • Estimate optimistic cash flows

ROIC: Return on Investment Capital.

Normalized Return assets (pre-tax)=EBITTotal AssetsROIC=EBIT (1-tax rate)Total Assets

This method takes into account historic averages, market cap, and makes assumptions based upon other variables to drive calculations.

We discussed equity and cost of equity while covering WACC and CAPM, but let us refresh here:

Equity = market cap=share priceshares outstandingCost of Equity=Risk Free Rate of Return +(Beta * Expected Return of Market) - (Risk-Free Rate of Return)=US Treasury Rate + (Beta * Market Premium)=FCFE = free cash flow to equity = Net Income - (CAPEX - Depreciation) x (1 - Debt Ratio)

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Revenue 287,937.00 290,541.00 373,805.00 377,334.00 380,767.00 374,401.00 395,664.00 137,003.00
Free Cash Flow 42,017.00 46,501.00 40,428.00 62,594.00 61,223.00 96,604.00 82,955.00 -23,708.00
